I was out with Hal when they tried, Hal had turned to summon our server and I glanced at the TV only to notice the live coverage. This time they had brought in a huge logging rig. I'm not sure what they're called, but they've got that gripping device on the end of a long arm like a converted backhoe. The thing wraps around the tree, an automated saw will cut the tree down, and then the gripper runs the tree through it taking off the limbs. They're pretty efficient at what they do, but pretty scary when one is rooting for the tree.
After the last failure though, the crowd seemed to be mocking the rig, they seemed to have an arrogant expectation that the rig would fail. Even still, people were all well aware that this could be dangerous, and the police didn't have to try very hard to get the crowd to step back. Everyone seemed to be hiding behind buildings.
So the rig started up, and the operator took careful hold with his gripper. Once he was happy with the grip, he turned on the saw and tried to start cutting. It was a tougher saw, and it lasted longer given the mechanical arm that held it. There were sparks, and a horrible grinding sound. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, even in the restaurant as we watched the TV. Suddenly there was a loud crack, or pop, and then the chain flew away from the saw and embedded itself in the door of a police cruiser. It was so hot it was still glowing red when it struck, though it cooled quickly.
The rig operator though, he wasn't about to be outdone, so he turned on the gears that would normally pass the truck through the gripper to take off the limbs. The arm shot up the tree, pushing the whole rig over, and the gripper slammed into the first limb popping the
Hal and I sat in silence for a while after that, both of us considering what this might mean. The city seems determined to tear the tree down, and if they can't cut it down I wonder what they'll try next. Hal had his own questions though. If the tree does house a dryad, what is it going to do? I think he's a little worried about why it hasn't already done something, and to be honest I do to. I'm not sure what it would do, if it could do anything. At the same time though, if it emerges from the tree I'm worried what'll happen to it.
I asked Hal about that Melia lady who's been leading the protests. If anyone had tried to approach her even if only to see what she had to say. He said if they had they didn't need his approval or concern, they wouldn't tell him. But he did confirm that Tim was still spending a lot of time at the tree and watching everything that was going on. That he too had been to see the tree multiple times. He seems to have gotten rather attached to the tree. I mean, I know I was concerned about the tree being cut down, but Hal seemed to clutch his chest as he was watching the news feed.
As I'm writing this, I've been looking up news on the aftermath. There's some pictures here showing the extent of what had happened, and despite it's failure the rig did leave a rather nasty scar. It looks more like the side of a car when scraped down the side by another car, but there's a definite impression where the saw had tried to cut. It wasn't successful, but I don't think the protesters will be so arrogant in the future. The rig itself had to be pried off the tree, it's not designed expecting that kind of resistance. The teeth on the wheels inside the gripper are nearly bare, the hinges seem to be completely broken and separated. As for the operator, his ankle and knee are reported injured and badly bruised, but nothing is broken and he's expected to make a fully recovery.
Anyway, Hal had been eager to share some more news with me. He had found the same news articles that I had about the Nephmesu exhibit in Las Vegas. With everything going on though, I hadn't kept up with the news, and apparently there was a disturbance at the Luxor two nights ago. Someone came dressed up as an Egyptian mummy and caused a scene. I guess everyone there just took the mummy as a cosplayer or something. Oddly none of the disturbance was caught on security cameras and the mummy wasn't detained or even found when the police went looking for him. The report mostly comes from what people claim happened, and they seem to agree that the cosplayer was taking themselves too seriously. What it means is that neither Hal nor I can be sure of exactly what happened, though thankfully it doesn't sound like anyone was hurt. I didn't get the connection until Hal reminded me that the Luxor is the black pyramid. We're both suspicious now that whoever is causing trouble along with the Nephmesu exhibit has made a public appearance.
The odd part though is that so far all the incidents had happened nearby where the exhibit was being held. The Luxor is quite a distance from the Natural History Museum. The other thing being that the other break ins have been libraries and school buildings. The only connection with the Luxor is it being a pyramid. So we're not sure, and we are jumping to conclusions. It just seems very odd, and the ultimate question is as much "who is doing this?" as it is "why are they doing this?" This incident, if it is connected, seems much more like an attention getting prank than the break ins. So why the break ins if it is all about attention? But if it's not about attention, then why the public appearance?
In either case, today will have been the last day of the exhibit in Las Vegas. Tomorrow they'll be packing up and heading to San Francisco. He'll be joining the Human Odyssey Exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences for two weeks. I had understood that he'd be spending only a week at each location, but I guess the academy was able to pull some strings to hold on to him for a bit longer. I know afterward he was going to head up to Portland, but I think after that we were hoping to have our remodel finished and would be expecting him.
The remodel has been going well as far as I know. It seems slow to me, and maybe that was how the academy was able to swing a second week. When I stand guard up there though I'm able to sneak peaks at their progress. They've been at it for over a month now, and from what I've seen it's really started to take shape. They should be finished here soon, I think they'll be announcing that tomorrow morning.
Anyway, while we spent some time speculating on the Luxor incident, Hal was able to produce a lot of articles concerning people going missing. Up into Canada, south into Mexico, and then the eastern states as well. Sadly, people going missing in Mexico is a common thing, so we can't be sure that any of the articles there have any particular connection to the Ohvau. But the articles out of Canada and the eastern states are all looking for people who liked spending time out-doors.
With all the news articles that Hal has been keeping track of, he's had to start organizing them. He's now starting a second folder full of people showing up in towns and cities who don't speak English and are otherwise unable to communicate with the people around them. The encounters vary wildly as far as what happens, but generally they are civil and the "found" person is taken in. Unfortunately there was an accident involving one such "found" person when they tried to cross I-70 and got struck by a car. He didn't fare so well, and as far as I know is still in the hospital in Silverthorn. The only reason we connect him is that his description matches all the others, particularly the clothing he's wearing.
I should stress, they aren't all wearing the same clothing, but it all seems to be hand made and varies in condition. There are no tags that would indicate a manufacturer, nor is any of it a familiar style. It's not like they're wearing t-shirts and jeans, the material isn't even that identifiable. Sometime it's hide, sometimes is woven, but in all cases they're compared to styles and materials from before the industrial revolution.
After Hal brought that up, it reminded me of the guy I had seen in Westhouse Books. I asked if Hal remembered him, and while he did, Hal didn't make the connection with the news article concerning the bar fight. He accepted that I was pretty sure, but he admitted that he didn't see it. Unfortunately I have no way to truly compare, so I might be wrong. But I could swear that he's the same guy, I can feel it in my gut. Without that connection though, Hal wasn't really interested in why he was talking to Mr. Westhouse.
Since I had the floor though, I also made sure to bring up Max. She had meet me for lunch and had begged and pleaded that I tell her about Hal and everything. She seemed to think I wanted to tell her that we were officially dating or something. Max wasn't happy that I didn't want to talk about it right there, but she did accept meeting me for a girls night where we could discuss it all. So having that set to happen, I asked Hal about her. I reminded him that he had originally started sharing all of this with the both of us, not just me. I told him that she had been finding some of the same news articles and was piecing together a lot of this on her own. Though her conclusions weren't correct, she was making the connections.
Hal didn't like the idea, he was more concerned about what his mentor might do if he found out that Hal was telling everyone. I scoffed at that, I mean, here he was telling me everything already, and he had assured me that I didn't have anything to worry about. Hal insisted that was different, one person was okay, as long as he was just meeting me, he could say we were just dating. But if he started meeting with more than just me, then he'd have to start explaining things.
So now, apparently, not only does everyone on my side think we're dating 'cause they won't take any other explanation for an answer. Everyone on his side thinks we're dating 'cause he's telling them that. And yea, Hal let it slip that Tim knows we meet every week. That was one point he had failed to share with me.
I'm trying hard not to be paranoid about this, scared out of my wits that someone might kidnap me because I know too much. All this time I'd thought we were successfully meeting in secret, and it turns out they all know. Or rather, they know I'm his girlfriend. I was done, I'm still so angry with him, and I demanded he take me home before I start making a scene. I can't believe he'd put me in this position.
So now I'm home. It's getting late. Tomorrow's my birthday which I'd forgotten to try to take off from work. Candace and I aren't speaking, and I'm not talking to Hal. If I hadn't suggested Max and I go out on Wednesday, she'd be pissed at me too.
I don't know what to do. Either the world is going mad, or I am, and it suddenly feels like I don't have anyone I can turn to. I haven't been turning to Max as much as I should, and that makes me the bad friend. And now she's the only one I have left to turn to. So Wednesday I have to spill the beans, and hope she doesn't strand me at the restaurant. She shouldn't, she's always been good. But with everything else I can't help but worry that she would.
Either way, tomorrow's going to suck. Might as well get it over with.