Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 10th, 2018

Let's start at the beginning so I can keep my thoughts in order.

Hal still hasn't gotten back into his apartment, Simon's moving out starting today since it's the weekend. While he didn't have class, he still wasn't able to get here early enough to take me to the gym this morning. But he did catch up to me at the gym and was able to give me a ride to work. He had to come in anyway for a follow up with housing since his arrangements were changing. Current roommate to no roommate at least. Mostly they wanted to make sure he understood that they would be trying to fill the other room and that he shouldn't spread out and take advantage of having the place to himself. But there was also some paperwork to be signed concerning our report. And then while he's been out, leaving Simon alone, they wanted him to be able to check on his stuff while Simon was away just to make sure.

So Hal watched from a distance while Simon packed up his truck, and while he was away Hal went into the apartment to check on things. He got me my coat back, including all my things. Nothing missing, nor was any of Hal's things missing. That's one good thing at least. Though Hal did say there was a new hole in one of the walls that he reported to housing. They'll fix it, and Simon will be charged.

When Hal brought me my stuff at lunch, he also reported very excitedly that he'd bumped into Melia Floros on campus. She had a booth set up in the quad where she was handing out more information packets and had a camera man recording her interviewing students on their views. Hal said he could feel Tim breathing down his neck, and he had to force himself to put Tim out of his mind before he could finally approach Melia's booth. Once he did though, he said he did get a chance to talk to her for a bit. He asked that his conversation not be recorded, which Melia was okay with. I guess it's not uncommon for people to request that.

Anyway, Hal must've made an impression. He said he was interviewing her as much as she him and she ended up giving him her email address and said she'd like to be able to continue their conversation. So Hal was thrilled that he could report that back to Tim, and after I went back to work he must've called Tim right up.

And Tim was so impressed that he kept Hal for the rest of the day. I got a text from Hal while I was counting down my till. He apologized many times, saying he wouldn't be able to pick me up from work and that he probably wouldn't be able to make dinner. That was the last I heard from him until until I got home when he started apologizing again and asked how the night went. So I've been catching him up on our side of things, which wasn't much. He said since Tim had him all day today he'll be free tomorrow and he wants to make it up to me then.

But since I was finished with work and now without Hal, I texted Sam and Max to let them know what was going on. I figured I'd just take the bus home, but Max said she was heading my direction anyway and would pick me up. She suggested we meet up anyway, just not to have a conspiracy dinner. We could just have a night out with friends. Sam liked that idea and asked if he could invite Candace if we weren't going to talk conspiracy.

So with plans changing slightly, we had a little time. Max got that look in her eyes and said, "Let's go to the mall." She didn't wait for an answer, we were already headed that way. It was a quick shopping trip. Not as quick as I would have liked, but long enough to notice the decorations and be reminded that Valentine's was right around the corner.

Valentine's was never a holiday I particularly cared for. But that's 'cause I was always single. Max on the other hand loves Valentine's. What she really enjoys is dressing up, and since I have a boyfriend now she figured I should dress up too. So she dragged me into Victoria's Secret.

Sitting in a little bag bundled up into my spare coat, is a very little outfit. Were anyone to find said outfit, I think I might die of embarrassment. And yet, I can't deny the anticipation of Hal's face when he sees me wearing it. That was also probably the biggest expense I've made in two years, not including medical bills. Max said she'd buy me dinner to make up for it.

Moving along, we did meet up at the Mexican place since that was what we were planning on anyway. Sam and Candace beat us there, and were waiting patiently for us. And we had a great night. Max lamented being able to have only one margarita since she'd have to drive home. I got one too... Non-alcoholic of course. They're sweet and limey, and I like em as far as they go. But since I've never had alcohol, I don't know how that changes things. Can't say I feel like I'm missing anything, I've also never understood what was so fun about having everyone else laugh at your expense.

It was while we were waiting for dessert that someone turned the TV's to the news station. A knock down drag out fight, down Colfax. Again, no one knows exactly what started it, but the vigilante was involved. Whatever was going on, it almost seemed like a fight between two rival gangs with the vigilante in the middle. They were all attacking him, but they were attacking each other too. By the time we were seeing the live feed from the traffic 'copter, the police were arriving in force. They parked cruisers on opposite sides of the block and tried to surround the area as best they could. Fortunately the people in the area had cleared out, but there were just so many involved in the fighting.

The vigilante was overwhelmed, he gave as good as he got, but he couldn't focus on anyone without someone else taking advantage. They had bats, knives, crowbars, I'm honestly surprised I didn't see or hear about any guns. They didn't seem to respond to the police at first, as if they couldn't hear the orders over their own shouts. But one officer started using his cruisers megaphone or loudspeaker, whatever they're called and that got people's attention. Some dropped and complied immediately, others fled and most were caught one way or another. The vigilante climbed up one of the buildings and huffed it out of there jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

The police and new 'copters both tried to follow him, and they did for a ways. Once he got outside the block the police had surrounded, he jumped back down to the street and ran. He sprinted really, and kept it up impressively. Police units started catching up to him just as he was reaching the intersection with I-25. He jumped over the railings where it passes over the interstate and climbed down underneath the bridge. The helicopters couldn't follow him, the police couldn't follow him, and they couldn't get units to pass down I-25 fast enough. Noone knows where he went from there.

Max teased Sam saying, well now we know you're definitely not the vigilante. At first he seemed shocked, almost like she'd figured something out, but before he could respond Candace was already laughing. It was such an infectious laugh too, it wasn't long before we were all laughing.

We didn't stay much longer after that, it was getting late anyway. For all of us.

And like I said, after I'd gotten home Hal started texting to apologize and ask about our night. I guess once the news came on, that pretty well cancelled what he and Tim were doing and so Hal headed home and texted me as soon as he could.

Alright, I've got it down. Now I need to get to bed.

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9th, 2018

Lots of news today, mostly good I think. When Hal caught up with me for lunch he mentioned that he'd have a meeting with housing about Simon. After work Hal was there to pick me up and he took me out to eat letting me know that Simon was being moved. Which is great news, and will open Hal's apartment up for the time being. He won't have any say over his next roommate, or even when he gets one, so he may have the place to himself for a day, or for the rest of the year. Housing wasn't able to give him any answers.

The news media finally had a new development with the vigilante. Not anything that stopped their speculations, just that he'd been spotted last night chasing down a mugger. So we know he's still in Denver, and police are maintaining their warnings about him being dangerous and to be avoided. Especially considering the mugger is in the hospital for cracked ribs and a concussion.

The other big news item is that it seems people have finally gotten used to the tree in LODO. Protester crowds have been thinning over the last month since the last incident at the tree with the vigilante. So much so that walking traffic is common. Even the crows that were there have thinned, and they're not bothering people as they walk through. Today police started allowing traffic through, cautiously, in order to help relieve traffic on nearby streets. I haven't heard any reports of the crows attacking vehicles, or drivers trying to hit the tree.

I don't know, it's like these things have become accepted, normal.

Hal and I also confirmed with everyone for dinner tomorrow. Since Simon will probably still be moving out, we won't gather at Hal's place. Instead Max suggested we do Mexican for a change noting that there was one close to the museum where we could get fantastic margaritas. Personally I think she just wants the margaritas, but I could be picked up easily enough after work and head straight there.

So, that's the plan tomorrow evening. Sounds like fun.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8th, 2018

I had intended to ask Max about it, since it wasn't exactly hidden that Sam was spending the night with her during the eclipse. But it's been made official that she and Sam are something of an item tonight. I saw "something of" because they're not dating, Max admitted this to me separately. But like tonight, Sam invited her to join us for dinner. They sat together and acted like they were dating. Which is to say they were cute together. When Max was giving me a ride home, she was eager to brag about Sam's... endowments... shall I say. Which was a bit more than I wanted to hear, but it's never stopped her before.

Max said that he was happy to go through the motions, but that he couldn't commit. Which means mostly that while they're screwing around I guess Max can go find someone else to date. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that. But Max, and I love her, is a bit on the shallow side. As long as they're both okay with it though, I guess that's between them. And I do wish them both happiness.

All that said, everyone was curious about my dinner last night with Hal's parents. Candace was asking for details all day long. As happy as I am to go over things, there's only so much detail that can be wrung out of 'em. And then when Max joined us for dinner, she wanted the run down all over again.

Both of the girls though were happy to reassure me that not being in college wasn't a bad thing. Especially since I was trying to save up for college. Max was quick to remind me how expensive her own tuition was going to be.

On the other hand, Max was also eager to talk about what had happened on Tues with the vigilante. She'd done some digging of her own concerning his feet of strength, and had come to similar conclusions as me. Both of us were thinking that the guy would have to be as big as Sam, and when he noticed us staring at him he finally responded, "What?" Max asked, in her sweetest voice, "How much do you think you could push?"

His commission must be burying him, he wasn't at all aware of what's been on the news all day for the last two days. Even with us talking about it in front of him. I feel bad for the guy to be that busy, but he seems to enjoy it. When we'd finally brought him up to speed on what all was going on, Sam finally answered that he'd never really tested to find out his limits. That while he was sure he could move even a large vehicle while it was rolling, it was a much different thing to move a vehicle that was on it's top.

Candace's response was to invite him to join us at the gym and we could test him in the weight room. Sam didn't seem to like that idea very much. With a glance, Candace dropped it, and Sam said simply that he didn't have the time. I don't think Max noticed Sam's look, but I did. And it reminded me instantly of all the concerns I've had about him and Candace.

One of these days I'm going to have to start prying.

Anyway, as far as the news story's gone today's been more analysis of what happened on Tuesday. We know more now about the car thieves, which is all fine and good. But officials haven't been able to find the vigilante. They were even trying to bring in dogs today, to no result. For so little to have developed, it's amazing to me that they were able to spend so much time on it today.

But thinking of Hal, I asked Max if she'd heard anything more about Melia interviewing college students. She said she had actually, that Melia had been at the Women's college yesterday. Which is right next door to Hal's campus, and might just be as close as he'll get to her.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7th, 2018

What a night! I hate to be "that girl" who in this case eats so little. But I was so nervous that I didn't have an appetite. I hope they don't think I didn't like the food. It was a little heavier than what I usually eat, but Hal's dad knows how to grill. He, Laurence, smoked a tri-tip rubbed with pepper and spices. Hal's mom, Deborah, made scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, and we had peas to the side. And for dessert they served cherry pie a la mode. It was heaven.

They were kind and generous, and asked lots of questions. I wasn't sure how much Hal wanted them to know, so I let him describe how we got to know each other and started dating. He told them we'd been getting dinner each week and talking, he just didn't mention what we were talking about.

One of the things I was nervous about was them finding out I wasn't in college. But they were both supportive of me working at the museum while I saved up for college. "Especially with how expensive higher education is these days." Laurence works in a lab where they're trying to develop a bacteria delivery system to help deliver medicine to specific areas of the body. Deborah on the other hand is a science communicator. She's currently involved with helping to raise awareness of the local tribal heritage and history. I remember Hal mentioning that she was his guiding star towards his current major.

I didn't realize how quickly time had passed, and then it was time to go home. It was enjoyable, in a way I'd describe it as professional. Not uncomfortable, Hal's parents went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable. In fact, they didn't serve wine or beer knowing I couldn't drink any myself. They were good enough to not make a point of doing so either, I've had people do that to me before. But I saw that they had a small selection of wines, and there was beer in the 'fridge. I suspect a meal like that would typically have wine for them. I wouldn't have minded if they did, but it was thoughtful of them not to.

I just remember the times Hal's been here. We're so much more casual. Dad dressed down after work, Mom wearing her apron. We don't have alcohol, not just for me, but for Dad it's more religious conviction that he'd been raised with. Just very different cultures.

It's a good thing that I'd asked Candace to help me pick out an outfit. I wouldn't have known what to wear, but if I didn't have Candace I'da probably have shown up under dressed or prepared for an interview. Candace was able to pick out a nice skirt and blouse combo that was perfect. I'm always wearing slacks for work, and jeans when I'm getting around town. It was nice to wear a skirt for a change. Even Hal mentioned that he hadn't seen me in a skirt before. I might have to wear em more often. When the weather warms up.

Candace and I met at the gym again, without Hal of course. She was excited for me when she learned I'd be meeting his parents. She joined me while I got my hair done in addition to my other chores. And then came home with me to pick out my outfit. And then she wished me luck and said I'd have to tell her everything tomorrow.

Max was also supportive, over texts. She wanted pictures of every outfit I tried on and had comments for all of them. She was also keen to talk about the news report last night, and on every channel today. Even while Candace and I got lunch, they had different TV's on to different stations, both talking about the vigilante's car ride last night. I think that was one thing that struck me the most about Hal's parents. Their TV was off the entire time we were there. I don't think I've ever seen our TV off except when the power's out.

All in all it was a good day, a nice night.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6th, 2018

I'm kinda stuck as I'm working on things right now. Trying to get all my tax stuff in order and can't find the right link I need to get the document I'm supposed to have. So I'm taking a break from that and writing my journal a little early tonight. Maybe I'll be able to find the link I need when I get done.

Hal was very attentive to me today. As expected he wasn't going to be able to pick me up to hit the gym before going to work. So he made sure to call and we chatted during my bus ride there. He wanted to make sure I was okay, and that he'd heard back from the housing department concerning Simon. They've received our report and are looking in to it. About as politic an answer as they can give, but at least its an acknowledgement that Hal's request has reached them. Hopefully something will be done, though I can't imagine they wouldn't.

When I saw him at lunch, he said he'd stopped in to housing to check in on the and make sure they knew he wasn't going to drop this. He got pretty much the same answer, but the point was to make sure they knew it wasn't just a random request. Hal said he was on the pleased side of neutral about the visit. He also stopped by his place when he knew Simon would be at class and grabbed what items he needed. He also brought me my coat, I had left that behind when I ran. Everything was still in it, thank goodness. I had to borrow some money from Mom this morning since I didn't have my bus pass.

But while he was there, since he's staying at his parents place for the foreseeable future, he said his parents had invited me to diner tomorrow evening. I always hear how nervous the guy is at meeting his girlfriends parents for the first time. I don't think I've ever heard how it can be nervous for girls too. For the guys, it's all about being protective of their little girl and how he's seen as a threat. For me, at least, I'm worried about how they'll see me. If I'm good enough for their little boy.

If Hal is any indication, I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll just keep repeatin~

Channel 4 just had live coverage of the vigilante clinging to the roof of a car as it was speeding down I-25 through Centennial toward Castle Rock. Dad hollered out so loud he startled me and I ran downstairs expecting a fire or something. There's no word on how the vigilante got on top of the car, but the reporter confirmed that the vehicle was stolen out of a parking lot at the Alameda/Havana Park and Ride. The police were chasing the vehicle with the vigilante hanging on, and the driver was all over the road. It seemed like he was trying to shake the vigilante off.

I don't know how long I watched that until the car finally clipped someone and rolled. The vigilante was tossed into the barrier between lanes. It looked like he hit hard, but he got up quickly. Quickly enough to get pinned by the now upside down stolen car as it slid into him. There were four police cruisers with them at that point and they came to a stop surrounding the car. All the police jumped out, pulling their guns and shouting. A couple of guys were crawling out of the windows in the car. With everything that was going on the vigilante was just about forgotten.

There was stunned silence, from everyone, as we watched the car get pushed away from the barrier by the vigilante. It was on its top, upside down, so it's not like the car was rolling. He was sliding the car away from him. For all that, he did stumble out from being pinned. But once he got out, he shook himself off and glared at the two who had crawled out of the car. They'd been pretty defiant towards the police, but after that display they both threw their hands into the air and dropped to their knees.

Some officers approached the two guys and started putting cuffs on them. But they were also watching the vigilante and started shouting for him to get down too. He made some gestures in frustration, which made the police nervous. To be honest, with all the shootings that've been happening I'm surprised they didn't open fire then. But the police didn't back down and kept shouting for him to get down. He turned, vaulted the barrier and tore off across the far lanes and off into the countryside. The oncoming traffic had been stopped, so there wasn't any danger there, and the police did take a few shots at him. But he managed to get a small hill between them which forced the police to stop shooting. By the time a cruiser on the northbound lane could catch up he was gone.

He's strong. There's no doubt about that now. I know things were working in his favor; how slick asphalt can be, that he was sliding the car rather than lifting it. But he was also pressed against the barrier. It's not like he could set his feet and push whole body. That was purely upper body, probably just his arms. Just looking real quick, cars like that are around thirty five hundred pounds. A very strong man might be able to do that, but I'd expect them to look... like Sam. This guy, is not small, but he's not built like that.

As impressive as that was, he had just been pinned by that same car as it slid into him and the barrier behind him. The car wasn't coming to a stop just before him, it hit the barrier hard. How he was not crushed by that is incredible, but he could have gotten lucky. How he could push the car away from him is jaw dropping, but people have been known to perform heroic feats in those kinds of situations. How he could run away afterward is beyond belief. And yet, we all just watched him do that.

I'm not entirely sure what to think about this. Considering what we think is happening, I think it's fair to ask if he's even human? And if he's not, what is he? Is the deer mask even a mask?

After all that though, I'm not going to finished doing taxes today. I've got time to work on 'em. Tomorrow though, I wasn't planning on much. But if I'm going to see Hal's parents, I think it's long over due to get my hair cut. Maybe I can get Candace's help picking out an outfit too.

Monday, February 5, 2018

February 5th, 2018

I had another dizzy spell this morning. It was at work, but with how not busy we were there weren't any issues. Only four days since my last one though. I hope they're not becoming more common again. I'll have to mention this with Dr. Laurie when he gets back to me about my results.

Missing persons cases and the news stories surrounding them have been everywhere today. I don't think I could have avoided them if I'd wanted to. But it's like people have been taking it to heart, the museum felt like a ghost town today. They even offered to let me go home early, since I'd had the attack I took em up on it.

Let's see, there've been multiple boats in the Gulf of Mexico that have failed to return to dock as planned over the last two weeks. Coast guard hasn't found any evidence of wreckage, or adrift vessels. There's a lot of space out there, but for as many have gone missing it's hard to believe nothing has been found for any of them.

Also ships failing to return to dock along the south western coast. Mostly small craft, but one container ship is also listed as missing.

Up in Canada they've also started noticing a similar trend. People out camping in the unseasonably warm weather. Some scientists failed to check in and when a search party was sent to their base of operations it was found abandoned. No sign of what happened to the scientists.

Missing people all across the US, even into the pan handle of Florida. There was even a report out of Juno, Alaska.

News agencies suspect there's been a similar trend down in Mexico, but it's hard to filter out these cases when there were already a lot of cases of missing persons. But they have noticed that there's been an increased stress between suspected criminal organizations. If they're missing people, they might be getting paranoid.

So yea, things have just been getting insane, and I was happy to retreat to Hal's place. I did text him asking if I could come over early since I was out of work. I knew he'd be in class, and he offered that I could sit in and take part. But I didn't feel comfortable with that in the middle of a lecture. So when I was close, I texted him and he meet me outside to give me his key.

Conscious of his roommate, I knocked first just so that I wasn't walking in on him. But since there was no answer I let myself in and made myself comfortable. I didn't think anything of it, and Hal gave me permission. But when his roommate came home, he hit the roof finding me there. I don't know what his issue is, but he called me every nasty name he could think of. I still have some of those words ringing in my ears. And I've had people be mean to me, use my ethnicity against me, or my gender. This was something else. He called on those aspects, but there was something personal about it, like I was invading his personal space or something. And the guy's twice my size easily, everything about him was aggressive. I don't think I've ever been as scared as I was today.

I was out that door as soon as I could, which wasn't soon enough. When he started he was blocking the entrance and I had nowhere to go. I tried to retreat to Hal's room but he made to cut me off. It gave me the opening I needed and I shot out that door like there was no tomorrow.

I was in tears when Hal found me sitting outside his classroom. And someone must've called campus security because while Hal was trying to comfort me they pushed their way in between us, as if Hal was who I needed protection from.

When things finally calmed down and they let Hal come to me, we made a formal report of what happened. Hal said he would do everything he could to have his roommate reassigned, and if not he'd happily start looking for somewhere else to go. Either way, as long as his roommate is there, I don't want to go anywhere near him.

Instead we called up Max and invited her to dinner with us. Once she heard what had happened, she dropped everything.

Just thinking over it, I'm shaking. And some of his insults didn't even make sense. Not that they need to, but towelhead?!? I mean seriously.

I've gone over it enough between security, and Hal, and Max. I just wish Hal was here. I'm worried what Hal might do, or what Simon might do. Hal said Simon was usually pretty calm and nice, and he'd never said anything about me. At least, not me specifically, he did seem pretty concerned about Hal having sex outside of marriage. As if that's any of his business. Though that might explain the succubus and temptress words that were hurled my way.

Hal didn't want to stay at his place tonight either. But he couldn't stay here, of course, so he's spending the night with his parents. It's so far out of his way though that I won't see him tomorrow morning.

Enough, I've wrote it down. Now it can get out of my head and maybe get some sleep.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 4th, 2018

Work was so busy today that my day flew by and I didn't have the chance to stop and think about things. Which considering everything we went over yesterday is probably a good thing. Even since getting home, I've been avoiding the news for fear of what I'll hear next.

What it means though is that I don't have a whole lot to write about today. I did have Hal's company this morning and at lunch. He seemed a bit stressed, but it was about homework rather than Tim. I think that's good at least, but if Tim wasn't so gun ho about training him tonight though he could have spent the time working on homework. I don't know, even if these guys are the real deal, I sure hope they're paying Hal well to put up with this crap. Considering Hal was talking about getting his own place though, I suspect he is getting paid well.

Tomorrow's Monday, so it shouldn't be as busy. I'll find out then what I missed.