Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8th, 2018

I had intended to ask Max about it, since it wasn't exactly hidden that Sam was spending the night with her during the eclipse. But it's been made official that she and Sam are something of an item tonight. I saw "something of" because they're not dating, Max admitted this to me separately. But like tonight, Sam invited her to join us for dinner. They sat together and acted like they were dating. Which is to say they were cute together. When Max was giving me a ride home, she was eager to brag about Sam's... endowments... shall I say. Which was a bit more than I wanted to hear, but it's never stopped her before.

Max said that he was happy to go through the motions, but that he couldn't commit. Which means mostly that while they're screwing around I guess Max can go find someone else to date. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that. But Max, and I love her, is a bit on the shallow side. As long as they're both okay with it though, I guess that's between them. And I do wish them both happiness.

All that said, everyone was curious about my dinner last night with Hal's parents. Candace was asking for details all day long. As happy as I am to go over things, there's only so much detail that can be wrung out of 'em. And then when Max joined us for dinner, she wanted the run down all over again.

Both of the girls though were happy to reassure me that not being in college wasn't a bad thing. Especially since I was trying to save up for college. Max was quick to remind me how expensive her own tuition was going to be.

On the other hand, Max was also eager to talk about what had happened on Tues with the vigilante. She'd done some digging of her own concerning his feet of strength, and had come to similar conclusions as me. Both of us were thinking that the guy would have to be as big as Sam, and when he noticed us staring at him he finally responded, "What?" Max asked, in her sweetest voice, "How much do you think you could push?"

His commission must be burying him, he wasn't at all aware of what's been on the news all day for the last two days. Even with us talking about it in front of him. I feel bad for the guy to be that busy, but he seems to enjoy it. When we'd finally brought him up to speed on what all was going on, Sam finally answered that he'd never really tested to find out his limits. That while he was sure he could move even a large vehicle while it was rolling, it was a much different thing to move a vehicle that was on it's top.

Candace's response was to invite him to join us at the gym and we could test him in the weight room. Sam didn't seem to like that idea very much. With a glance, Candace dropped it, and Sam said simply that he didn't have the time. I don't think Max noticed Sam's look, but I did. And it reminded me instantly of all the concerns I've had about him and Candace.

One of these days I'm going to have to start prying.

Anyway, as far as the news story's gone today's been more analysis of what happened on Tuesday. We know more now about the car thieves, which is all fine and good. But officials haven't been able to find the vigilante. They were even trying to bring in dogs today, to no result. For so little to have developed, it's amazing to me that they were able to spend so much time on it today.

But thinking of Hal, I asked Max if she'd heard anything more about Melia interviewing college students. She said she had actually, that Melia had been at the Women's college yesterday. Which is right next door to Hal's campus, and might just be as close as he'll get to her.

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