Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sept. 9th '17

10:58pm! Just woke up from a dizzy spell.

September 9th, 2017

Saturday today, which means Max was able to join me for lunch. She's still going on about that video she had found. What I could piece together of what she was saying is that she can't find anything about the video itself to suggest that it's fake. No tampering of the video or the like. And she's been comparing it to the other videos and is convinced they are all genuine. So now she's looking at the footage itself hoping to spot wires or anything to indicate that what is recorded was faked to begin with. Max is very impressed with how well the video was been done, but she seems frustrated that she can't find anything to falsify it. What is really making the tape convincing is that there's multiple videos, all from different angles. If there was anything to spot one of the videos would have spotted it, but she's not finding it. And when I asked about people throwing the items that are in the air she pointed out one example of an item changing its trajectory on film, without any apparent cause. It's not the only item that does this, so they can't have simply been thrown. But she's still not finding suspension wires or anything, nor any video editing to remove such wires.

As she was going on about this, very animatedly I might add, Hal walks by. I'm not sure if he was attracted to Max's visual depiction, or if he was looking for me again, but he invited himself to join us this time. Once he figured out what Max was going on about, he became highly interested. Which only gave Max more of an audience, so I couldn't ask him to give us our space. After listening to her explanation and watching the video for himself though, Hal seemed to grow even more concerned than he had been over the last few days.

I'll admit I was being a bit of a jerk, but I felt he was being rude and I knew it was a sore spot, so I asked him again about the missing hikers. He actually engaged me this time saying the hikers missing here in Colorado aren't the only ones. Max picked up that something important was happening and she pressed him. Hal said that there were missing Hikers in Utah and Wyoming and that there were missing farmers in Kansas and Nebraska too. He said as of this morning a hiker was reported missing out of Durango, and he expected more as time went by. Not just hikers and farmers who might be out alone, but that people would start going missing in urban areas as well. That given enough time, people around the world would go missing.

Max looked to me and asked what this had to do with her video. I just shrugged and tried to show without saying anything that I was just trying to get him to leave. But Hal, not noticing me at all, said it was all connected. That just as people go missing, there would be more videos like what Max found flowing out from Colorado in the same pattern.

He was sounding more than a little bit like those guys who wander around wearing signs that say "The End is Nigh." So I asked rather bluntly how he could know this. It seemed to shake him out of whatever thoughts he was having, and realizing he was telling us these things he apologized and left again.

Max and I shared a laugh at his expense after that. But I think we were both considering what Hal had said. Max does like her conspiracy theories, and while she enjoys debunking them, I think she's enjoying the idea that she might have found something real. On the other hand, I was thinking about how things have felt different since I woke up out of my blackout. I hadn't given it much thought, 'cause things haven't changed. But if it is all connected, somehow I am able to sense it.

That or we're all full of shit. And I'm not sure which I'd rather be at the moment. So I'm going to bed.

Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8th, 2017

Back to work today, and despite the short week I had last, it feels like I'm back on schedule. Nothing much to report today, other than that it was really windy.

Well okay, Hal joined me for lunch again today. It feels like he wants to tell me something, like he needs someone to confide in, and he'd like that someone to be me. He brought up the missing hikers, which saved me the trouble. But when I asked if he knew something, he got scared and ran off. Not literally, he looked up to the clock and apologized saying he has some project he needs to get back to or something. I just don't know what he wants, and to be honest if he can't figure it out I'm going to start asking him to lunch elsewhere. I've got enough on my plate at the moment, thank you very much.

I'll admit, I am curious. I wish he would decide he wanted to open up to me, 'cause then at least I'd have something to work with. If he knows something about these missing hikers, he needs to speak up. They need to be found. And if something is happening to them, we need to be able to address it. Whatever "it" is.

Oh, and there wasn't any blow back from John. Which makes me wonder if he was even talked to. If they did talk to him then he's handling it well. I just don't expect that out of him at this point. I didn't have a dizzy spell either, so there's no way of knowing if his behavior's going to change. I did talk to the other cashiers and security, those who I mostly work around. They know about my blackout, and they know I get these dizzy spells, and now they know my concerns. So if something does happen and John's around, they can keep him in check while I deal with my attack. Most of them knew anyway, but now they know I've talked to HR and they have backing to step in if needed.

Another day down.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 7th, 2017

Today was a learning experience. As planned, Sam picked me up about a quarter to noon. He brought me to Candace's  real quick and then had to take off to deliver whatever he was hauling. It was covered up with a tarp, so I never did get to see what it was. I asked how Candace was doing, and he said she's been good. They have a doctor's appointment coming up to check on her ankle, but otherwise it's just been day to day. He said she's going stir crazy and has been looking forward to my visit. When he dropped me off he didn't have time to come in, but he did say he'd bring dinner later and if we had any requests to just text him.

Candace was happy to see me, and no offense to her but the way she was acting was like a dog greeting their owner after a few days separation. That said, she was ripe, and the state of her house was pretty bad. It really did look like she'd spent all day, every day, in that chair watching whatever was on. The remote was still sitting on the floor where I'd seen it last time, and I think she was still wearing the same over-sized sweats and t-shirt. The yard looked like Sam had mowed, and dishes had been done, but it almost looked like all the dishes for the last week. They were still in the dry rack.

I wasn't sure how to ask politely, so I asked bluntly if Candace needed help with chores and her hygiene. She was at least self aware enough to be embarrassed. She confessed that with her broken ankle, she didn't feel safe trying to bathe alone. Which was understandable, but it didn't explain her clothes. She said this was all she could find that in any way fit, there was nothing here for a girl to wear and the sweatpants and shirt were most likely Eli's.

Last time I was there, Candace had given me a tour, and I remembered thinking it was a bachelor pad. I had even mentioned that if she and Eli had just gotten married, that she probably had her own place. I didn't even think that through. And here Sam obviously hadn't either.

So, judging Candace to be just a little taller than myself, and skinnier, I texted Sam and requested he stop by a clothing store to pick up some clothes in women's sizes. Then we set about getting her bathed. I found a stool that we could put in the tub safely, which would allow her to put her ankle up. I helped her in and got the water running to her comfort. In doing this I noticed that she had a tattoo on her back. A pair of wings over her shoulder blades, and a second pair below that extended down to her mid back. They were beautifully done, like butterfly wings, and colored a dark blue with silver highlights. Against her dark skin it was the silver that really stood out, but once I noticed that I was able to pick out the rest. It seems odd she'd have a tattoo done so hard to see, but when I asked she couldn't remember anything about it. I didn't have my phone, and wasn't sure if she'd want a picture taken of her at the moment anyway. I'll have to ask another time.

While she bathed, I put away the dishes and started cleaning up the kitchen. The fridge was packed with leftovers, and most of it looked no more than a day old. When I asked about it later, Candace said she and Sam had a small feast between the two of them for the full moon last night. I made use of them to put together a lunch for the two of us. Sam stopped by after a while to drop off the clothes I had requested, explaining that after making his delivery he had some free time. He was also aware enough to feel ashamed about not getting Candace some clothing on his own. I did make sure he had some lunch to take with him before he left.

So with Candace freshly bathed and now appropriately clothed, I suggested we go visit the park. Candace brightened up at that suggestion in a way I hadn't seen before. She positively shined, and her smile was like the crescent moon.

The walk was a little farther than I had expected, and it gave Candace a bit of a workout with those crutches. So when we got there, we just picked a nice shade tree to sit under and I asked how she was doing.

It took a moment to answer, but Candace finally admitted that she was lonely, that the only company she got was Sam and his parents, and myself. She was grateful for all that Sam did, but she really disliked his parents. I remember Sam saying they were being supportive, and she said that when Sam was around they were the sweetest people. But behind his back they would give her disapproving looks and treat her with scorn. As far as they were concerned, they should get Eli's house and they could give a damn what happened to her. She felt like Sam's parents believed her to be their son's murderer, that she was stealing his life.

I asked if she had talked to Sam about it, and she admitted that she hadn't. When I asked why not, she explained that everyone, Sam included, looked at her like they expected something of her. That I was the only one who didn't. At my question she explained that she wasn't sure what Sam expected out of her, but she could feel his expectation when he looked at her. She felt safe with him, protected by him to the exception of his parents. But when she tried to talk with him, she felt like he was expecting something out of her that she couldn't give him. Without her memory she didn't know what it was he wanted, and so she'd stop trying to talk with him and never did bring up how his parents treated her.

We talked about that for a little while, until Sam texted asking if we had decided anything for dinner. Candace asked if I had any preference, which I was happy with having more of those leftovers. They were really good by the way, I couldn't identify most of the dishes, lots of greens, fish, mushrooms, nuts, and cheeses. It looked like there was a wine bottle in the recycle container too, they must have had some feast. As we were walking back, I asked about it, and Candace seemed surprised that I didn't celebrate the full moon. I had said it seemed like a fun idea, so Candace invited me to join them next time.

On the way back, I spotted Candace's cat. He was up on a fence watching us, just looking as regal as any cat could, and every bit as judgmental. It gave me a chance to get a good look at him. He's a very healthy looking cat, and his coloration makes me think Siamese, but that's not right. His underside is a spotted white, his face is white, but his back is more of a golden brown. He's very pretty, I just don't think I've ever seen a cat who looked like that. I'll have to get some pictures some time and see if I can look up his breed or ask someone who'd know. When I asked his name, Candace just shook her head.

Candace helped me get dinner set up and it was nice working in the kitchen with her. The day spent in the park seemed to do her some good and by the time Sam showed up we were joking and teasing as if we had been long time friends.

Sam was happy to see her in such good spirits, and we had a really nice meal. I was finally able to ask Sam about what he had delivered, which he proudly announced he'd been working on some iron handles for one of his clients barns. They were enormous handles, which Sam said was partly because they were also used as braces for a cross-bar. The clients had requested the handles to look like a rope was dangling from the top of the barn door. He pulled out his phone and showed off some pictures, and they were impressive.

When he asked about our day, I let him know that we got a few things cleaned up, and then took a stroll to the park. Sam wasn't happy about that, he seemed very concerned about our (read: Candace's) safety as though there was some vague threat of danger that we (again, she) was in. It was more than a little troubling, and when I pointed that out he reframed his worry by using my tumor as an excuse to ask what would happen if I blacked out again. I said she could call for help, and he stressed that with her amnesia, she doesn't know who to ask.

I turned to Candace for help, but she actually backed him up. So I asked if she ever wanted to visit the park again. She confessed she did, so I asked what was wrong with using the phone to call Sam if something should happen. Candace said she didn't know how to use a phone. I looked between the two of them, Candace was sullen, Sam just shrugged. So I blurted out, I'll teach her how to use a phone then. Sam was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, but he clearly didn't like the idea. Candace practically jumped at the idea.

I'm not sure I understand what's going on here, and I'm reminded of my concerns from last week. Candace doesn't seem to have even a basic understanding of the modern world, and Sam seems to have no interest in teaching her. Writing that out makes it seem truly bad, but I'm not sure I can describe it any other way. Candace's inability to use a TV remote and she doesn't know how to use a phone, these are basic things. But I think over it, and there's been other little signs too. She had asked about how I knew where the park was. I explained that I had used google maps, she didn't even know what I was talking about.

And I can't tell if Sam is thoughtless, or just embarrassed to have to take care of her. He's very thoughtful to a certain extent. He mowed the lawn, he brings her food and makes sure she's got some basics, including a friend, me. But he didn't make sure she had anything to wear, and didn't seem concerned at her wearing the same sweats and t-shirt all last week. Nor did he notice her lack of hygiene. Or if he did, was it embarrassment that kept him from saying anything? I could understand that, but at some point you have to step up and say something. And yea, I asked him to get her some clothes, which he did, but no panties, no bras. Candace doesn't seem concerned about going commando, and to be honest she's not so well endowed to need the bras, but still.

So having blurted out that I'd teach her to use a phone, Sam fell silent. I took advantage of that and said in no uncertain terms that I'd be over next week and we're going shopping. We'd get Candace some proper clothing, and a phone. And when Sam opened his mouth, I asked if he was going to visit Victoria's secret with us, or if he was just going to let us use his credit card?

Which now that I think about it; Candace has been going on for some weeks now without a job or anything, I think that's the next thing I need to push on. She can't live like this forever. At some point she needs to reconnect with her job, her own family, her previous life. Getting her on her own two feet is going to be just the first step, and if Sam's not going to take those steps, I will.

As a final note, I just want to say that as physically intimidating as Sam is, it was empowering to be able to speak to him that way. Even Candace, when she was hugging me good bye, said "That was awesome." And I found myself grinning all the way to his truck. But it's important also to recognize that he's not the bad guy here. Thoughtless or embarrassed, he wasn't being malicious, and while our ride back home was quiet, before we got there he did thank me for stepping up. He said I was what Candace needed, that he couldn't be that for her. I'm not sure what he meant by that, and it did look like he wanted to say more. But when he didn't speak up, I nodded and said goodnight.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6th, 2017

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and I enjoy living with them. But I really need to get my own place. Max and I have talked many times about getting a place together, but things always have a way of not working out. And I understand my parents concerns, especially after that blackout, I can't live alone. In case something happens, I need someone around who can call for help. So until something opens up, I'm stuck. Still, it'd be nice to have a day to myself for a change. I could get my laundry done without having to work around Mom. Or watch the shows I wanted to watch without having to plan around Dad.

Logically I know, no matter who I'm living with, I'll have these same frustrations. But I have to hope that I could find a place with someone compatible. You know, we both want to watch the same show, so there's no fighting over the channel. Things like that. One would think having lived with my parents for so long, I'd have found a way of managing these things. How my parents can generate so much laundry between the two of them, I don't think I'll ever understand. Mom always has something in the wash. One load, that's all I ask.

So yea, chore day. Usually I have two days to work these things out, but since I'll be helping Candace out tomorrow, I have to get my chores done today. Which I did manage to do, finally.

I also got to watch the next episode of Legion. I'm really engrossed in that show, and I'm not sure I can explain why. I didn't know much about the comics, just enough to have been able to recognize Legion when they were teasing the show. After the premier I looked him up on the 'net to see what I could learn. He's powerful, scary powerful, and not sane. He suffers from schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. From what I was reading, about ninety percent of his comics take place within his own head.

What this means to me is that I can't be sure what's real in his show. And I think that's the point to some extent. It's really neat, but it's hard to get a grip on what's happening. It's like everything is a flashback, even when I think I'm watching the current timeline, they still manage to make it a flashback. And so I'm drawn in, as much out of interest as out of a need to get a solid grip on the story.

Dad got home before I could finish, and of course he starts talking over the dialog, so I couldn't quite finish the episode. I'm going to have to watch over it again anyway to see if I can get my bearings. And of course, once I stop the recording, Dad wants to watch the news.

I went to help Mom in the kitchen, but a story caught my attention. Some hikers have gone missing again. Two different parties, and in different parks. There doesn't seem to be any connection between them, but it is strange. I guess the first party, a guy and a girl, was reported missing a few days ago when they didn't return home after leaving. They had done everything right, at least they let their families and friends know what they were doing and where. So when they didn't get home people knew to go looking for them. Their vehicle was found, but so far they haven't been, even with the help of tracking dogs and search and rescue.

The other party was a single guy. He was supposed to meet up with some friends, they were all going to camp together. They all set out separately and planned on joining up at the same location having taken different routes to get there. The one never showed up, and because their plans were all different, they didn't know to immediately go looking for him. It also meant that they weren't able to get people to start looking for him until they all returned. So this individual has been missing longer than the couple, but less time being actively searched for.

It makes me think of Hal. He had gone missing, but he was found before the week was out if I remember correctly. So far both parties are coming up to a week, and they still haven't been found. I hope they are all found soon.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5th, 2017

Normally today would be my Friday, and coming to the end of five days of work I can feel it. Today though was only my third day back. I almost forgot I have tomorrow off and was starting to get things ready for work tomorrow.

Today was nice. No dizzy spells, and no John. I talked with Louise about what happened yesterday. She said she'd talk to him. I just hope this doesn't blow back on me somehow. Having the next two days off should help.

That said, Hal joined me for lunch. He's a tall skinny guy, probably taller than Sam which is impressive. Where Sam is so muscle bound though, Hal looks like a toothpick with some curly blond hair that makes me think of a cotton swab. Kinda cute, but in those moments where things got quiet his eyes would lose focus and it seemed like there was something weighing on his mind. I asked if everything was okay, and he smiled back and said "yea, fine."

At first he was pleasant, he's got a nice smile and likes to use it. He told me a bit about what he was studying and how his internship here helped. It was actually some interesting stuff, and it sounded like he was working on his graduate project, whatever, when he was out on his hike. When I asked about it though, that's when things got quiet and he retreated into himself. After telling me everything was okay, he apologized and said he's got some things he needs to work on. I wonder if something happened out on his hike.

Oh well, as it is my Friday, I'm going to go enjoy another episode of Legion before I go to bed.

Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4th, 2017

Checking over my journal from yesterday, I realize I was so excited about the museum's announcement that I forgot to mention anything else.

Firstly, Sam got back to me about visiting Candace on Thursday, he said that'd be great. We chatted a bit and it sounds like I can spend some time over there. He has a delivery to make before noon and can pick me up along the way. He'll drop me off at Candace's place. Then around five he'll bring dinner, after which he'll bring me home. I figure I can help out with some chores around the house since Candace's ankle is still in a cast. It sounds like it'll be like that for a month and a half. He said she's been pretty lethargic since she got home. Sam thinks showing me around the house is the most activity she'd done all week beyond the physical therapy they want her doing. So I'm going to see if I can't get her to walk to the park with me.

Secondly, during yesterday's meeting in which they announced Nephmesu was joining us, they also announced both my recovery and Hal's. I was embarrassed at the time, which is probably why I didn't think to mention it last night, just wanted to forget. But it was good to see Hal back. He looked a thousand times better than when I'd seen him in the hospital. Today he made sure to catch up with me at lunch. He was passing through on some chore and said hi, but it gave him a chance to ask if this was a normal lunch time for me and if he could join me next time. I said sure, so maybe we'll see.

The other thing is that my bruising has finally reduced to the point that I can hide it with some makeup. No more questions from the guests, thankfully. Mom says it should go away completely in the next few days. Can't wait!

As for today, only one thing of note. I did have a dizzy spell around 3pm. Fortunately there weren't any guests in line, but as it was coming on I had flashes of my last dizzy spell. John was the manager on duty, and I called out to him in case anything went wrong. He took his sweet ass time getting to me, but it turned out this time wasn't bad. Of course John treated me like I was just trying to get attention or something. Accused me of being overly dramatic, and simultaneously of having nothing wrong with me at all.

I just don't get that guy, he was at the meeting when my hospital stay was discussed. He's worked with me for months now and he knows I have a tumor and get these dizzy spells. He was there when I lost my balance and was caught by the guest. He knows, and yet he treats me as if I'm just acting or something. I still think that first time I'd had a dizzy spell he thought I was just trying to, I don't know, cozy up to him or something. Be a frail little girl so he could be the strong man to come rescue me. When he finally figured out that my dizzy spells had nothing to do with him, he started treating my dizziness with apathy and scorn. It's not like it happens all the time, thankfully. Nor is it like I call on him all the time. But as the manager on duty, he needs to be aware in case something happens. And like I said, this time I was just scared after what'd happened two weeks ago.

Shit, that was two weeks ago, to the day. I better make note of that. It may not be anything, but just in case there's a pattern. Never has been before, but I still feel like something has changed.

Anyway, I didn't lose my balance and my head wasn't trying to hatch any eggs, so hopefully things are back to normal. Still wish I knew why the last one was so bad.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 3rd, 2017

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's back to work I go. Extended days off are nice when a vacation is involved, but when that's not the case it kind of defeats the purpose. And in either case, it's always hard getting back into the swing of things.

Normally I wouldn't have much to say, but there was some exciting news at the museum today. As is always the case, I can't tell anyone, but they didn't say I couldn't tell my journal. I'm so excited! The recently uncovered, discovered, excavated, exhumed? I'm not sure the proper way to say it, the Mummy that archaeologists found, Nephmesu, he's coming to Denver! And even more impressively, the museum managed to secure him as a permanent resident! We've had Tutankhamen a few times as he was making his way through on tour, I even got to see him the last time he was here. But since he tours, he never stays in one place. Nephmesu will be here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. He won't be museum property, and that always carries the risk that the legal owner can reclaim his property at any time. So, probably not permanent permanent, but he'll be here for a while.

The Egyptian exhibit will have to be remodeled to accommodate our new resident. The preparations we have for when Tutankhamen visits aren't meant for permanent display, so some changes will need to be made. There was discussion of actually remodeling the first floor northwest wing and moving the whole exhibit down there. I know some of the staff are in favor of that because of the other exhibit ideas we've had, but that would be a lot of work.

So planning stage is underway, they hope to have a decision before the month is out so that remodeling can begin. Depending on what needs to happen and how much work it'll take, remodeling will probably take some time. If it's done in a month, that'd be impressive, but two months is more likely. While all this is going on, Nephmesu will be making his tour around the states, slowing getting closer and closer to us. When our remodeling is done, and confirmed, Nephmesu should be able to arrive within another week, so we're looking at having him here within the year!

So, big news. Can't tell anyone, which really sucks. The Museum will make a public statement when they're ready, and until then I get to apologize to all our visitors who want to see the Egypt display.
 I should get to bed though, get to go back and do it all over again tomorrow.