Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 2nd, 2017

Work was all a flutter today. Not for the volume of guests, they seem to be waiting for Nephmesu to get here. No, the hubbub was senior staff getting things ready for his arrival. Today was his last day in Portland, and our excitement for his arrival is thick enough to be cut with a knife. Which was one of the topics of discussion at dinner tonight with Hal.

I think Hal had made reservations for the two of us before deciding he wanted Max to join us. He brought us to Bistro Vendôme, and seemed slightly embarrassed about having Max there. It's kinda sweet that he wanted to do so, and I feel bad for him that it didn't work out as well as he had hoped. Still, we had a lot of shop to talk and his discomfort didn't last long.

Nephmesu, being the topic at work, was brought up immediately. Our interest in him was limited this time. The only thing odd, was that we couldn't find anything odd. Nothing happened in Portland while he was there, nothing that stood out to us at least. We're all curious now if whatever was happening will continue to happen here in Denver.

With so little to go on though, we moved onto the next topic. Max wanted to make herself feel useful, so she brought up that winter hikers in the mountains here in Colorado were recording some weird sounds. She even managed to produce a couple of the recordings. To be honest, it did sound a lot like the wind, but the people making the records were swearing that there was no wind to make such a sound. It was interesting, but not a whole lot to go on.

Which brought us to Hal. Last night, Tim had asked Hal to meet him and they talked. Tim was still spending a lot of time down at the tree trying to learn whatever he could. But with the crows having pushed everyone out of the intersection, he was having a difficult time. That said, he managed to get himself into a position to be able to see the tree without disturbing the birds. From that vantage point, he claims to have witnessed Melia Floros approach the tree unmolested. Even more interesting is that Melia was inspecting a growth on the side of the tree that Tim hadn't noticed before. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but he wanted Hal to start looking in to Melia and see what he could learn.

Hal said he spent some time last night searching for Melia online, and he found number of interviews she had given to various media outlets. Mostly blogs, local small time stuff trying to get her voice out there. And that was a lot of what was being discussed, Melia felt she was being ignored by the larger media outlets and city government. More recent interviews reveal that she was finally being allowed to speak with city government, but she didn't feel like she was getting anywhere. That said, her most recent interview was reported on a site that had rose up in support of the tree. She featured prominently there, though this was the only video she appeared in directly. In it she explains that she's finally made herself heard by the city and that it's attempts to cut down the tree will stop. She's disappointed to learn that the city still wants to remove the tree, and she worries about how the tree will survive that attempt.

Since the attempt though it seems she's gone silent. Or at least, Hal hasn't been able to find anything more. The site that he'd found featuring her made it sound like a deal had been made or something that will force the city to cease it's efforts. Hal said it was pretty vague and he wasn't sure what to make of it. But the site is certain that the tree will remain unmolested going forward, and that what they want to see the city do is to find a way to incorporate the tree into the nearby park.

As far as what else the site had to show was a lot of pictures of Melia meeting with police, firemen, even ambulance crews. She really seems to be trying to keep not only a civil attitude toward the city representatives, but even a friendly attitude. There's a lot of discussion about the riots, what was done wrong, what should have been done, and future strategies for peaceful demonstration. But there is also a lot of hard feelings about those in the other camp.

There was also a lot of pictures and support for Melia as far as her background and how it makes her qualified to speak on matters concerning the tree. Which reminded me that she had been an employee at the Botanic Gardens. And that reminded me of what I had seen there, that I had first thought of as a firefly. Given the recent events and all the "fireflies" that were involved, I related the experience to Max and Hal. I had buried the memory in fear that I was hallucinating, but now I'm thinking that I was seeing something. Max said that with all the video's she'd watched, she hadn't seen any detail that made anything look like a tiny person. I think we were all to scared to say it out loud, but Hal finally did, calling them fairies.

That seemed to kill discussion, even having spent so much time talking about how creatures out of myth would be returning to our world. Even talking about the tree being home to a dryad. The tree is still just a tree, there's something familiar about it, but we haven't seen anything that we could call a dryad. But to speak of fairies, in the present reality. It made me feel self conscious, and I'm sure the other two were uncertain.

So after a moment of awkward silence, I let the other two know that I'd confirmed the twenty seventh and twenty eighth off for our tubing party. Also that I had let Sam know, and he would be getting tickets for everyone. He was pretty sure we could use his parents SUV, but wanted to know if anyone else had something we could use just in case. Both Hal and Max shook their heads, but they were excited for plans to move forward.

We did some more chatting while finishing dessert, the food was fantastic by the by. I kinda wish it had just been Hal and I. But the night couldn't last forever and Max needed to get home to do some homework. Hal brought me home and we sat in his car talking for a while. I've often been on the receiving end of watching Max be cute with her boyfriends, and it's never fun. But being a part of it, no wonder Max does it so often. Hal's got such a nice smile, and the way his eye's sparkle when he's being mischievous. He's kind, and gentle, and smart. I really like him.

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1st, 2017

It was nice and quiet at work today. Sorta. There weren't a lot of guests, which is why we weren't busy, but Nephmesu is starting to be packed up for the final leg of his journey. And that means we need to be getting ready for him. So the managers and scientists were all in a bit of a frenzy making sure everything was perfect. Lots of nervous energy going around. Fortunately it didn't affect us in the registers so much.

I did remember to stop by HR to make sure I maintained my days off through Christmas week. They actually sounded relieved. They're probably getting a lot of requests for Christmas Eve and the day of off. So I'm sure my request to work on those days and take my normal days off makes thing easier on them. Sounds like it'll work out.

So while Hal joined me for lunch I confirmed with him my days off and texted Max. She didn't get to me till later, but both of them were happy with the twenty eighth. I did talk with Hal about what Sam had offered, and Hal admitted it was tempting to take him up on it, but he said I did the right thing. Made me feel better about that. I'll mention it to Max tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I know what she'll say.

I texted Sam before clocking back in that we were all good to go for the twenty eighth if he wanted to get tickets. When I got off, his message was waiting to say he'd take care of it. He said he'd confirm later once he had the tickets.

While Hal and I were having lunch though, we got to talking about how we both get off work at about the same time. He could give me a ride home, and I could use the free time that I normally have waiting on the bus to do something. He said it was a nice thought and he'd have to take me up on it. Just not tonight, I guess The Illuminati has plans for him. He mentioned something about Tim wanting his company at least. I hope they're not going to the tree, from what I hear the crows are still not letting anyone near it.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30th, 2017

Candace and Sam both confuse me, and I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. But today provides a rather convenient example.

As a Thursday, this is when I would normally go over to Candace's and give her some company. I've always enjoyed visiting her, she's really fun to be around. She's got her quirks, but for the most part it's no big deal. Today I brought the Gus Jones CD's I had to show her, since they didn't want to turn on the TV last night. It took a little bit of finagling, but Eli's setup included a CD player and sound system. Candace has obviously never used any of it, which relates back to her quirks. But no big deal, it just meant I had to figure out how to turn everything to the right setting to get it to work.

Once I did, I was able to introduce Candace to the musical genius that is Gus Jones. She loved it! Even more so, when we got to talking about it, Candace said that listening to his music seemed to be tugging at something in her head. Like there was a memory that she just couldn't grasp, but she could feel that it was there. Sam said she was a dancer, I'd be surprised if she hadn't heard Gus Jones before, and I told her as much. So we listened to both CD's through, and even a second time each hoping maybe that memory might spring lose. Sadly it didn't, but we had fun all the same.

Since the subject of what she used to do came up, I asked what she was doing now? Candace seemed confused, and asked if she should be doing something. So I put it another way, how is she affording food? Is there a house payment, rent or mortgage? What about bills? Electric, TV, gas, phone? She was in the hospital, there should be hospital bills if nothing else. These things cost money, and that requires income, some way of being able to pay those bills. So my question was, what is she doing for income? This was why I work at the museum, I earn an income, and it allows me to pay my bills.

Candace looked confused, she said Sam brings the food, but that she's never received any bills for anything. I asked if she'd received anything in the mail, she shook her head no. So on impulse I walked out to her mailbox and checked it. Not only was it empty, Candace finally seemed to understand what I wanted and she said "Oh, Sam checks that every day." I asked if he ever took anything out of the box, she said yes. I asked if he ever handed it to her, she said no. So I asked if she'd ever wondered about that, she asked "Why would I?"

That threw me for a loop, and I wasn't sure where to go from there. When the mail did come, I was burning with curiosity for what had been left. I didn't feel comfortable just grabbing someone else's mail, so I asked Candace if I could. Candace seemed unsure, so I reminded her that this was her mail, delivered to her house. I said, if anyone, she should be the one to grab it. So Candace grabbed her coat and went out and grabbed her mail. It was only a couple of envelopes, and when she came in she asked what to do with them.

I asked firstly who they were addressed to, Candace looked down to them, shrugged, and handed them to me. Both were addressed to Eli Wether, and I didn't recognize the return addresses, but they looked like bills. I didn't open them, but I explained that these were exactly what I was talking about. They're bills, they need to be paid. Her response was that Sam would take care of them.

This whole time it was just Sam and Candace, I just realized I'd never learned their last name: Wether. Sam Wether, Candace Wether. Although, considering she was the bride, that didn't tell me her maiden name which she only recently would have had.

Anyway, I dropped the subject and we went on with our day. Having listened through the CD's I'd brought, Candace turned the TV back on. I don't think she ever changes the channel, I'm not even sure she watches it all that much. Just has it on and watches when a show comes on that she wants to watch. The news was on by this point, and there was some follow up story about the tree. Candace made the comment that Sam was right about avoiding the tree. I don't think she meant that to be directed at me, but it was a little frustrating.

It wasn't long afterward that Sam arrived, bringing food. I did watch from the house once he'd pulled up, and sure enough before he came into the house he checked the mail. He didn't seem disturbed that there wasn't any mail, so it must not arrive every day. But when he got in the house he found the envelopes on the counter where Candace had left them. That made him suspicious, and he asked if we'd gotten the mail. Candace acted like a child, immediately saying it was my idea.

So I tried to explain that I had asked what she was doing for income, and that it led into a whole discussion about income and bills, and how she was paying for them. Sam kept himself calm, but he firmly stated that these bills and whatever else came in were family business between he and Candace, and that it was none of my concern.

He's not wrong. But I can't accept that he's right. There's something going on, and I'm liking it less and less. Sam seems to have a rather significant hold on Candace's life, he's her ride, he brings her food, he pays her bills, and lest we forget, if he says no, Candace says okay. I don't know how he's got this hold on her, nor do I know why. But I'm not liking it.

The thing is, once we step away from how much hold he has. He's actually rather supportive of Candace. I don't like that he pays her bills and buys her clothes (remember the shopping trip?). But he does so willingly, without comment. He doesn't seem to expect anything in return, at least not when I'm around.

We got to discussing going tubing after Christmas, which Hal and Max and I were discussing all day over texts. So sitting at dinner together, it was a good time to bring it up. Hal had checked the calendar and found that while Christmas fell on a Monday, he and Max wouldn't have to go back to school until the following week. So their suggestion was for me to try and maintain the days off I normally take, which should be easy enough. That way, we could go on Wednesday or Thursday, and the Christmas crowd by then would probably have already started leaving.

Candace was very excited about this, and I don't blame her considering how little she gets out. So my suggestion was that we go on Thursday, since that was when I'd be visiting Candace anyway. Sam said, "Why don't I get us each hotel rooms at Winter Park? We could go up on Wednesday morning, have all day to play. Stay the night, play some more in the morning and then come home Thursday evening."

He didn't even think twice about dropping multiple hundred dollars on all of us, and it reminded me that he'd already offered to get the tickets as well. I stuttered about as much, so he says, well, two rooms. One for Candace and I, the other for you three. I says, how 'bout guys in one room, girls in the other, if anything. But still, with tickets that's quickly getting close to four hundred dollars not including food, gas... and how are we getting there? Borrow his parents vehicle again, or rent something? We can't ask him to spend that much on us. Bashfully, Sam mumbled that he just wanted to do something nice.

I've met his parents, and without knowing everything about them, I think it's safe to say he grew up a bit more well off than my own family. Probably little better than Max's or Hal's. But the way he's acting, it's like he has no concept how much he's so kindly offering to drop on us. If he is just taking care of Candace's bills, he really has no concept of the amount of money he's spending. And I have to wonder where his money is coming from. Do blacksmith's really make that much?

I made sure to let him know we appreciated the kindness, but it is simply too much. I said, "Pick a day, if you can get us the tickets, we'll pay you back for those. And if you want to take care of travel expenses, get us up there and back, we'll all thank you for that."

We came to an agreement on that, and we'll have fun. But this still leaves me confused by both of them. Even Candace didn't seem to understand that four hundred dollars was a lot of money. I don't understand their arrangement, and I have to concede that it is their arrangement. But I don't feel comfortable about it. I have to wonder, what is Sam getting out of this? If he's just making sure Candace is taken care of, and she can do whatever she wants, great. Except, she can't do whatever she wants. Though, turns out going to see the tree isn't the greatest idea. So he's protective. Except he's overprotective. She has the right to make her own decisions and mistakes. But even if we concede that he's just protecting her, what does he get out of it? Is this just his self imposed duty to the wife of his brother? She needs to learn to take care of herself, they can't live like this forever. And what happens if she wants to start dating again, or finds someone else she wants to be with? I'm just completely baffled by them.

I left my CD's with Candace, since my music is now entirely digital and accessible on my phone. She really enjoyed it, but maybe if she listens to it more she might finally be able to dig out that memory. Sam was kind enough to drive me home, he made sure to thank me for being there for Candace and said that he appreciated my concern. He just didn't finish the thought that I should mind my own business.

I'll have to let these thoughts stew. Right now I can't get my head around it, and maybe I'm just missing something. But I am going to be there for Candace, and I'm going to be watching Sam like a hawk.

But tomorrow, I'm going to work. So tonight, I need to go to bed.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29th, 2017

Holy crap! Gus Jones just endorsed the tree in LODO! My phone was blowing up between Hal and Max talking about it. There was so much chatter between the two of them that I was trying to relate that I offered to give each of them the other's phone number. I think Hal took the hint, and he's agreed to meet Max the next time we have dinner. Not that I didn't want to hear about it, but they were responding to each other through me. It's a pain to forward everyone's text, just text each other!

So yea, they aired Gus's B-day party live on VH1 and had live youtube channels dedicated to it. It was a pretty fantastic event for being last minute. Though, it wasn't as last minute as I had thought, turns out they'd been advertising it pretty heavily for the last week or so. With everything going on, I just hadn't noticed it. Hal, Max, and I were all watching from our own places and talking through text about it. It was a lot of fun, and really impressive how many artists from different genre's they found. I was thrilled that SHEL was included, as a local group they had to be.

And Gus, despite this being his B-day celebration, I don't remember them saying his age. But I could'a swore he was older, seems like he's been around forever. The guy looks good however old he is, and so talented. He was up on stage with everyone, and playing a different instrument, or singing, every performance. It was so much fun to watch, he's got stage presence down to a science, and even knows how to take the back seat when needed allowing the other performers to shine every bit as much. Even the other artists mentioned similar thoughts in the interviews after their performances. All talking about how he influenced their music and inspired them. It was amazing.

At the end of the night, Gus finally stepped up to the mic and thanked everyone for being there and all their well wishes. It was a touching address, and he even brought out his assistant, Shannon, who he credited as being the mastermind behind it all. Before he stepped down, he brought up the tree in LODO, and said that we had a responsibility to protect that tree as an endangered species. We shouldn't be trying to tear it down. He called it The Crow Tree, and said he'd be making a new album honoring it. All proceeds will go toward conservation efforts.

While I was texting Max and Hal all night, I did try to include Sam and Candace. Sam said they were enjoying a quiet night though, and didn't want to turn on the TV. I understand, but I'm sad they missed out. Candace would have loved this. I'll have to bring over a couple of Gus's CD's tomorrow. Sam did say though that they were discussing my offer to do something for Christmas. He was wondering if we knew anywhere we could go sledding. So I posed the question to Hal and Max, and they all thought it was a great idea. Hal said he knew a great place up past Winter Park, one hill for sledding, the other for tubing. But we'd have to call ahead and make reservations.

Sam said that sounded great, that if Hal got him the information he could set it all up. So we'll have to discuss when a good time for all of us would be. Sam had already said that he and Candace have plans before Christmas, so it'd be better afterward. But I know that winter break for Hal and Max won't last long after Christmas, so hopefully we can find a window that'll work for everyone. My biggest hurdle will be getting time off from work. Especially after these last two days.

As much fun as this afternoon was, I had a nice morning with Mom. Since she had insisted on helping me get around for my usual chores, I got them done a lot faster than I usually would riding public transportation. She even joined me at the gym, it was kinda cool. And with all the time I suddenly had, we went out to eat. Of course, Mom had to be a mother, and was asking all sorts of questions about Hal. She was still under the impression that we'd been dating all this time, and embarrassingly enough wanted to make sure we were being safe and using protection. I'm glad she's open and supporting about that, but O M G, could you make things any more uncomfortable? And then she mentions that her and Dad are just concerned and want us to be happy and healthy.

I don't think I'll be able to look Dad in the eyes ever again. Even if Hal and I aren't doing anything.

I don't mean to dwell on the unfortunate incident that was my Mother's prodding, we did have a good day over all. It was nice just being able to have Mom's company away from home. We weren't cleaning or doing... well, we were doing chores, we just weren't doing laundry. Mom was mostly interested because it had been so long since she was going to the pharmacy to pick up my medications and pay the Dr's office. And she'd never been to the gym before. It was a nice day, and ended with some spectacular music.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28th, 2017

Mom and I spent most of the day at the Dr.'s office today. There was a lot of waiting, for our appointment, then for tests, and then for Dr. Laurie again. It was a busy day for him. But it was nice to take it easy for a change. I've always enjoyed seeing Dr. Laurie, he's good to me. But he is getting closer to retirement, and he was talking about that. It makes me sad to think I won't be able to see him for much longer, but I am happy for him. He said he's been starting to look for a replacement, someone he'll have to mentor for a while, so he won't be leaving anytime soon. With my particular issues, he was keeping me in mind and wanted to make sure he had someone who could work with me as much as anyone. So I'll probably be meeting another Dr. working with Dr. Laurie the next few times I see him.

As for the tests, they were mostly basic stuff. Dr. Laurie doesn't have access to his own MRI so if we want to use that we have to make an appointment with the hospital. Blood tests are the big ones, so lots of needles involved. Depending on what he finds we might take the step up and book some time on the MRI. For now, everything seems to be good and he'll call back in a few days about the blood tests. I was never without balance except during the attack, which is normal. So the only thing that's concerning is the pain and me going unconscious. Dr. Laurie reminded me that the last MRI I had done showed some growth, and that maybe this will be the new normal. Two times isn't a trend though, so while he will go back over those scans to see if there was anything he missed, he didn't feel it warranted another scan just yet. For now, I'll have to watch my attacks. After I dropped in August I was having a lot more attacks than usual all the way through September. That may happen again.

I do appreciate everything Dr. Laurie has done, and how well he treats me. But it is frustrating that so often the answer is "We don't know." I suppose if anything that's why people turn to snake oil salesmen. Even though they don't know, they claim to, and that can be a comfort.

For all the time we had waiting, I spent much of it watching the news. Since it was the Dr's office, we weren't watching current news, we were watching entertainment news. Normally... Normally I wouldn't watch much news at all, so for me to be watching as much as I have been over the last few months is impressive in its own right. But I've been watching informative news, wanting to know about the tree and DIA, and stuff like that. So entertainment news is largely ignored. But this time I hear that they're throwing a birthday bash for Gus Jones, here in Denver, tomorrow. They're bringing in some big names to perform and honor him too, I so wish I could be there. I wonder how old he is? Seems like he's been around forever.

After I got home, I called the Museum and let them know that I'm still waiting on the results of some tests. They'll determine whether I need to take a day off for a visit to the Hospital, but otherwise I should be back to work as usual on Friday. Mom's feeling protective of me, and has insisted she take tomorrow off so she can help me get around Denver to do chores. I don't want to feel like a weight, but I know she'll feel better being there for me. Besides, it might be nice to have her company for a change and maybe do some things with her.

I guess Hal spread the word of what happened at work. I got messages from Max and Sam and Candace wishing me well. That was thoughtful of him. Hal then stopped by after he got finished with his stuff and we sat out in the common area just talking and looking up at the stars. I think Mom was enjoying it too, she kept bringing hot chocolate. Hal got to pointing out the constellations, I've always enjoyed them, but I've never been out of the city to get a good view. Hal said one of the things he enjoys most about camping is being able to see the night sky away from the cities lights.

We found Orion easily enough, and from there Hal showed me how his belt points toward Taurus and the The Pleiades beyond. I know Orion well enough, so he was easy to spot, but I didn't know Taurus or The Pleiades. I knew of them, so once Hal started pointing them out I could see Taurus well enough. But for some reason I couldn't see The Pleiades. Hal could see them, but he said that they've been used in the past as a way to tell how well peoples vision was based on how many of the stars they could see. So now we're both wondering if I need glasses. I've always passed all my vision tests with flying colors. I guess it doesn't hurt to check on that every so often.

I updated him on my Dr's visit, and how things are going with my little death. He said that he'd been paying attention to the news surrounding the tree. The fireflies are gone again, but everyone seems to be expecting them to be hiding in the tree again. The crows though are loitering the entire intersection and there seems to be a great many more than before. They've allowed the police to keep a barrier about a block away, but they seem to watch for anyone approaching and get threatening if so. None has been allowed near the tree since yesterday.

Hal brought up wanting to go camping again when the weather warms up. He asked if I'd want to go with. I told him that with my tumor, I'd never gone. We've never been the most well off, so I haven't actually done a lot of traveling or seeing the world. Medical expenses had always weighed us down, and now that I've got a job I'd been helping with that. But our habits remain. I didn't say no, as much as anything I told him I was scared, what I said though was that I'd think about it. We've got plenty of time, and time that'll have to be used exploring our relationship to see if we are up for that anyway. But now that the thought is planted, I have to admit some excitement.

Oh well, he had to leave, and it's been a long day. So I'm calling it.

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27th, 2017

If it weren't for the attack I had back in August, I'd say this was the worst attack I've ever had.

This morning started out like any other day, got around, got my stuff together so I could go to work. While I was at the gym, I noticed the news concerning the tree in LODO. The city had decided once and for all it was going to get rid of that tree, and they'd brought in a whole construction crew to dig up the pavement around it, and to dig it out by the roots. I guess Melia Floros had finally managed to talk to the city. She wasn't able convince them to leave the tree where it was, but she did persuade them to relocate the tree rather than to destroy it.

So in addition to the equipment that would dig the tree up, there was also a sixteen wheeler to transport the tree to another location. But I guess the city wanted to make absolutely sure that the tree was no longer in that intersection. If they couldn't dig it up and move it, they had brought a wrecking ball to smash it.

There was a lot of noise from the protesters, both sides. No one was happy about this. Those in favor of the tree considered the wrecking ball to be a threat and jeered the crew that manned it. On the other side of the street, those against the tree, they made it clear that they believed the tree should be destroyed. They didn't like that the city was making an attempt to not harm the tree, and very much cheered the wrecking ball crew.

I didn't learn this all at the gym, I didn't spend that much time there. Most of it I learned after I got to work. Despite being a Monday we still had a crowd of people show up early to see the new exhibit. Many of them had been unable to see the exhibit over the weekend because the lines were too long. We had offered them free tickets to come back another day, and knowing the lines they came back early today hoping to not have to wait.

Anyway, with everything starting up around the tree, people stopped coming in. Even the guests we already had were nervous after the riots we'd been having. So the news was turned on and we were set to learn of events as they unfolded.

At about noon, the first crew started digging up the road. It seemed like all was going well, but I started to feel a dizzy spell come on, and I knew in that moment the shit was about to hit the fan.

From my perspective, everything else just went away. It's not like anything happened, as far as my perceptions. It's just that with my attack coming, nothing else mattered. I looked over to Daniel and told him to get a manager, and find Hal. He hesitated not knowing what was going on. Before I could explain, the dizziness hit me like a ton of bricks. There wasn't any pain at first, just vertigo. I had sat down on a stool, and that fist wave caused me to lean so far forward that I fell off. Thankfully Brittany was there, and she was at my side immediately. I just let the ceiling spin, there wasn't anything else I could do.

A manager showed up, but I don't remember who it was. I just remember Brittany talking with them. Shortly afterward I remember Hal kneeling down next to me. I rolled over to put my head in his lap... that was a mistake, vomited all over him. And that was when I first noticed the pain. I was apologizing, asking for some pain killers, and asking to go home all at the same time, I didn't feel like I could get it out in any sensible order.

Hal has been very aware of my condition, considering that was why I was in the hospital when we met. But I don't think he's ever been there for one of my attacks. They are usually just little dizzy moments, sometimes worse, rarely causing me to vomit. This was all of it, and the pain, and I was scared I was going to pass out again. I can still feel that fear. In August I was out for two nights, and that was the first time I'd ever passed out, or even felt the pain. Who knows how long I'd be out this time?

I didn't want to panic though, so I focused on the pain and analysed it. I tried to remember how it was in August, and how it was different. In August, I seem to remember the pain being very sudden and it went straight to 10. I wasn't in pain for long before I passed out. This time, I'm not even sure when it started hurting. I puked, and then realized I was in pain, but it's not like that's when it started hurting. And once I realized I was hurting, I also realized it was getting worse. But it came on, not slow, just slow compared to August. That's why I wanted pain killers, I could feel it steadily getting worse. I had hopped that if I could resist the pain, that would prevent me from passing out. As if it were the pain that caused me to black out before.

Anyway, I struggled like this for a bit, and then I felt someone pressing a couple of pills into my hand and Hal helped raise me up into a sitting position. By this point I realized I had a circle of people around me, but I was too far gone to be embarrassed. I drunkenly tried to get the pills into my mouth, and then almost choked on the water I was offered. I got it down, and then asked Hal again if he would take me home. He nodded and with someone's help they put my arms over their shoulders and half carried, half dragged, me out to Hal's jeep.

I remember Hal trying to explain that he couldn't take me straight home, but I didn't understand why, and kinda didn't care. At some point I did finally pass out.

I woke up at home at about three. Mom was on the phone with Dr. Laurie, and Hal was sitting in Dad's chair watching the news. Hal said I was out, all told about two hours. I apologized again for puking on him, he asked how I was. I told him I was scared, and relieved that I hadn't lost another day or two. He asked if I needed anything, I told him something to drink. When he got back I had him help me stand. I wanted to make sure I had my balance, which thankfully I do.

I sat back down and turned my attention to the news. Hal explained that while I was out the crows in LODO attacked the crew that was trying to remove the tree. He then went looking for summaries of what had happened. The crows started by dive bombing the crews, pecking at their helmets as they passed by and causing a general ruckus. The crews tried to work through it, but eventually had to start fighting back. They pulled out various tools at hand that they could use to swing at the crows as they passed by. And at first it looked like they might have succeeded in driving the birds away.

But the crows learned and started working in tandem. One to distract their target while another crow struck them from behind. Hal said it almost looked like it had turned into a big brawl, and the crows were on top. But they were hitting the helmets, which didn't really do much. Still, it forced the crew to abandon using the jack hammer to break up the pavement. Instead, they got into the two excavators and just started tearing up the pavement from the safety of their cabs. Hal said that's when it got disturbing, the birds started attacking the cabs, flying into the windows hard. More than a few of the crows knocked themselves out striking the windows.

But the excavators kept working. That was when the fireflies came back. And again, the limbs aren't bare, the tree still has all of it's leaves. So the fireflies were coming out from under the leaves and behind branches, like they'd been there the whole time. They swarmed the excavators, flying into every nook and cranny they could find. It seems no one's sure exactly what happened, just that after some time of being swarmed, both excavators shut down. One right after the other. Once they shut down, both gave off a black smoke and wouldn't start. The crews tried to come over to check on the operators and the equipment, but the crows attacked the people and prevented them from approaching the excavators.

At that point, someone made the decision to involve the wrecking ball. The crane started it's engine, and everyone paused knowing what was about to happen. Even the birds seemed to take a step back in flight. But then those opposed to the tree shot up a loud cheer and all sense of order went right out the window. The crows flew into the crowd, whose heads weren't protected by helmets. And the fireflies that had seemed to go away after stopping the excavators, they appeared in flight headed straight toward the crane.

The crew tried to ward off the swarm, only to get attacked. And while they had been mostly immune to the crows, they didn't have any protection from the fireflies. They burst out in welts and blisters, rashes, even little cuts. It was scary, and the crew ran. But while the crows busied themselves with the crowd of supporters and even gave chase to those that ran, the fireflies just moved right on to the crane.

Now the crows were vastly outnumbered by the crowd of people, so they relied on the chaos of the situation. But they weren't immune themselves and the people in the crowd started reaching out to try and catch the crows or strike them. So that was a fight, and reporters are mentioning that the crows took looses.

But there was one crow that stood out from the rest. It had a silver streak running across its chest that was hard to see. Unless it hit the light just right, and then it was very apparent. That crow seemed to be able to pass above the crowds heads and almost effortlessly avoided every hand that tried to grab it or strike it. And when it pecked at the peoples heads, it drew blood. That thing was viscous, and terrifying. Once people started to become aware of that crow, they started running from it specifically. It didn't take much longer and that single crow had the crowd dispersing almost entirely on it's own.

While that fight was going on, the fireflies swarmed the crane. And they just kept coming, it almost seemed as if they weren't getting anywhere. The operator just continued to ignore the fireflies, positioned the crane where he felt it needed to be and started raising the wrecking ball. Suddenly there was a loud pop, or a crack, or crunch and the ball just dropped. It's a good thing no one was under it, because the jackhammer that was was crushed like an empty soda can and the ball buried itself into the road almost a quarter of the way.

It was a dramatic end to everything that was going on, the crew completely abandoned their efforts and their machinery. And the crows didn't limit themselves to driving away those opposed to the tree. They turned on everyone there, even the tree supporters. Now the supporters were wise to just leave. They had just seen what had happened to the others, and fortunately once they got moving the crows didn't fully attack them. But they did circle and dive in warning. They even got threatening with the police and fire department. That was the last time the crow with the silver streak was seen. It flew between the emergency crews and the other crows almost in a protective gesture. After that the rest of the crows turned back to dispersing the crowds.

As far as I know, the whole block around that intersection has been abandoned.

Anyway, Hal stuck around for dinner after Dad got home from work. Mom set up an appointment with Dr. Laurie for me tomorrow, and then called the museum and let them know I wouldn't be able to make it tomorrow. Fortunately I have the following two days off. I'm so tired, who knew passing out was so exhausting? So I'm going to bed way early tonight. Hopefully tomorrow sanity will have returned to the world.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26th, 2017

It's frustrating, while Hal and I weren't dating and I was resisting the implication, Max insisted we were and wanted to know all about our dates. But now that we are dating, and Max knows the conversations we had been having before, now she could care less about our date, and wants to know all about our conversation. This is all new to me, and I know I tend to resist "girl talk," but I actually wanted to go over the date. Damn Max and her love of all things conspiracy.

That said, she was able to confirm the oddities about the crows. I think she was more worried though that the crows were trying to eat the fireflies and that was why we weren't seeing them anymore. Her other suggestion was that with the time of year, maybe the fireflies couldn't survive and all died off. She did mention that there were photos of the crows that didn't include the tree, and she berated Hal about him being too focused on the tree to find the others. But, the crows are definitely making a presence in that area, so the connection to the tree is readily assumed. And Max had to stress that their connection to the tree is only assumed, we don't know enough to be sure that there is any actual link. This is why I like having her around, though I was feeling a bit protective of Hal. She was very interested in the recent Nephmesu incident, but she maintains her skepticism and backed some of Hal's own objections. I didn't mention the thought that Nephmesu himself was the source of these incidents, that thought still seems outlandish.

Our talk was short, my lunch breaks are never long enough. Which ultimately was why we didn't get to talk about the date. Max's focus and all, but she did start to ask once she was satisfied. I just happened to look at the clock, and was minutes late clocking back in. It was another busy day, just like the opening yesterday, only today was also Sunday. It was easier though, having the practice yesterday.

I realized before work though that I hadn't been going over my calendar like I had intended to. So looking over that, and it has only been what, a week or so? There hasn't been much change. As far as work goes, Nephmesu will spend this week in Portland, and will be coming home to us the beginning of next week. By the end of next week we should be able to finally open the fully complete exhibit. And Max, Hal, and I will all be watching for any incidents from then on afterward.

My dentist appointment is still on the 13th, and now that Thanksgiving has passed my month ahead now includes Christmas. I had also hoped to talk to Max about that, but it didn't come up at all, so I didn't text her until I was getting off work. I had texted Hal and Sam before work. Hal and Sam both mentioned having family plans on the days of, which is to be expected. I was more curious about the days around and seeing if maybe we could try to get together as a group.

Hal said with finals coming up, he'd have a lot of studying to do, and mentioned that we may have to skip a week or two of diners. But, beyond his internship, he'd actually have a lot of free time over winter break and had hoped we could do something. Our differing schedules remains an issue.

Max will also have winter break, as well as studying for finals. So her response was quite similar to Hal's.

Sam said he'd have to talk to Candace, but he expects she'd love to do something. He said the Wednesday and Thursday after Christmas would work best for them, but his schedule would be pretty open so if my schedule changed he could be fluid.

It gets the conversation started, so now I'll have to look in to what we could do, when, where, and how.