Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28th, 2017

Mom and I spent most of the day at the Dr.'s office today. There was a lot of waiting, for our appointment, then for tests, and then for Dr. Laurie again. It was a busy day for him. But it was nice to take it easy for a change. I've always enjoyed seeing Dr. Laurie, he's good to me. But he is getting closer to retirement, and he was talking about that. It makes me sad to think I won't be able to see him for much longer, but I am happy for him. He said he's been starting to look for a replacement, someone he'll have to mentor for a while, so he won't be leaving anytime soon. With my particular issues, he was keeping me in mind and wanted to make sure he had someone who could work with me as much as anyone. So I'll probably be meeting another Dr. working with Dr. Laurie the next few times I see him.

As for the tests, they were mostly basic stuff. Dr. Laurie doesn't have access to his own MRI so if we want to use that we have to make an appointment with the hospital. Blood tests are the big ones, so lots of needles involved. Depending on what he finds we might take the step up and book some time on the MRI. For now, everything seems to be good and he'll call back in a few days about the blood tests. I was never without balance except during the attack, which is normal. So the only thing that's concerning is the pain and me going unconscious. Dr. Laurie reminded me that the last MRI I had done showed some growth, and that maybe this will be the new normal. Two times isn't a trend though, so while he will go back over those scans to see if there was anything he missed, he didn't feel it warranted another scan just yet. For now, I'll have to watch my attacks. After I dropped in August I was having a lot more attacks than usual all the way through September. That may happen again.

I do appreciate everything Dr. Laurie has done, and how well he treats me. But it is frustrating that so often the answer is "We don't know." I suppose if anything that's why people turn to snake oil salesmen. Even though they don't know, they claim to, and that can be a comfort.

For all the time we had waiting, I spent much of it watching the news. Since it was the Dr's office, we weren't watching current news, we were watching entertainment news. Normally... Normally I wouldn't watch much news at all, so for me to be watching as much as I have been over the last few months is impressive in its own right. But I've been watching informative news, wanting to know about the tree and DIA, and stuff like that. So entertainment news is largely ignored. But this time I hear that they're throwing a birthday bash for Gus Jones, here in Denver, tomorrow. They're bringing in some big names to perform and honor him too, I so wish I could be there. I wonder how old he is? Seems like he's been around forever.

After I got home, I called the Museum and let them know that I'm still waiting on the results of some tests. They'll determine whether I need to take a day off for a visit to the Hospital, but otherwise I should be back to work as usual on Friday. Mom's feeling protective of me, and has insisted she take tomorrow off so she can help me get around Denver to do chores. I don't want to feel like a weight, but I know she'll feel better being there for me. Besides, it might be nice to have her company for a change and maybe do some things with her.

I guess Hal spread the word of what happened at work. I got messages from Max and Sam and Candace wishing me well. That was thoughtful of him. Hal then stopped by after he got finished with his stuff and we sat out in the common area just talking and looking up at the stars. I think Mom was enjoying it too, she kept bringing hot chocolate. Hal got to pointing out the constellations, I've always enjoyed them, but I've never been out of the city to get a good view. Hal said one of the things he enjoys most about camping is being able to see the night sky away from the cities lights.

We found Orion easily enough, and from there Hal showed me how his belt points toward Taurus and the The Pleiades beyond. I know Orion well enough, so he was easy to spot, but I didn't know Taurus or The Pleiades. I knew of them, so once Hal started pointing them out I could see Taurus well enough. But for some reason I couldn't see The Pleiades. Hal could see them, but he said that they've been used in the past as a way to tell how well peoples vision was based on how many of the stars they could see. So now we're both wondering if I need glasses. I've always passed all my vision tests with flying colors. I guess it doesn't hurt to check on that every so often.

I updated him on my Dr's visit, and how things are going with my little death. He said that he'd been paying attention to the news surrounding the tree. The fireflies are gone again, but everyone seems to be expecting them to be hiding in the tree again. The crows though are loitering the entire intersection and there seems to be a great many more than before. They've allowed the police to keep a barrier about a block away, but they seem to watch for anyone approaching and get threatening if so. None has been allowed near the tree since yesterday.

Hal brought up wanting to go camping again when the weather warms up. He asked if I'd want to go with. I told him that with my tumor, I'd never gone. We've never been the most well off, so I haven't actually done a lot of traveling or seeing the world. Medical expenses had always weighed us down, and now that I've got a job I'd been helping with that. But our habits remain. I didn't say no, as much as anything I told him I was scared, what I said though was that I'd think about it. We've got plenty of time, and time that'll have to be used exploring our relationship to see if we are up for that anyway. But now that the thought is planted, I have to admit some excitement.

Oh well, he had to leave, and it's been a long day. So I'm calling it.

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