Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4th, 2017

Checking over my journal from yesterday, I realize I was so excited about the museum's announcement that I forgot to mention anything else.

Firstly, Sam got back to me about visiting Candace on Thursday, he said that'd be great. We chatted a bit and it sounds like I can spend some time over there. He has a delivery to make before noon and can pick me up along the way. He'll drop me off at Candace's place. Then around five he'll bring dinner, after which he'll bring me home. I figure I can help out with some chores around the house since Candace's ankle is still in a cast. It sounds like it'll be like that for a month and a half. He said she's been pretty lethargic since she got home. Sam thinks showing me around the house is the most activity she'd done all week beyond the physical therapy they want her doing. So I'm going to see if I can't get her to walk to the park with me.

Secondly, during yesterday's meeting in which they announced Nephmesu was joining us, they also announced both my recovery and Hal's. I was embarrassed at the time, which is probably why I didn't think to mention it last night, just wanted to forget. But it was good to see Hal back. He looked a thousand times better than when I'd seen him in the hospital. Today he made sure to catch up with me at lunch. He was passing through on some chore and said hi, but it gave him a chance to ask if this was a normal lunch time for me and if he could join me next time. I said sure, so maybe we'll see.

The other thing is that my bruising has finally reduced to the point that I can hide it with some makeup. No more questions from the guests, thankfully. Mom says it should go away completely in the next few days. Can't wait!

As for today, only one thing of note. I did have a dizzy spell around 3pm. Fortunately there weren't any guests in line, but as it was coming on I had flashes of my last dizzy spell. John was the manager on duty, and I called out to him in case anything went wrong. He took his sweet ass time getting to me, but it turned out this time wasn't bad. Of course John treated me like I was just trying to get attention or something. Accused me of being overly dramatic, and simultaneously of having nothing wrong with me at all.

I just don't get that guy, he was at the meeting when my hospital stay was discussed. He's worked with me for months now and he knows I have a tumor and get these dizzy spells. He was there when I lost my balance and was caught by the guest. He knows, and yet he treats me as if I'm just acting or something. I still think that first time I'd had a dizzy spell he thought I was just trying to, I don't know, cozy up to him or something. Be a frail little girl so he could be the strong man to come rescue me. When he finally figured out that my dizzy spells had nothing to do with him, he started treating my dizziness with apathy and scorn. It's not like it happens all the time, thankfully. Nor is it like I call on him all the time. But as the manager on duty, he needs to be aware in case something happens. And like I said, this time I was just scared after what'd happened two weeks ago.

Shit, that was two weeks ago, to the day. I better make note of that. It may not be anything, but just in case there's a pattern. Never has been before, but I still feel like something has changed.

Anyway, I didn't lose my balance and my head wasn't trying to hatch any eggs, so hopefully things are back to normal. Still wish I knew why the last one was so bad.

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