Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8th, 2017

Back to work today, and despite the short week I had last, it feels like I'm back on schedule. Nothing much to report today, other than that it was really windy.

Well okay, Hal joined me for lunch again today. It feels like he wants to tell me something, like he needs someone to confide in, and he'd like that someone to be me. He brought up the missing hikers, which saved me the trouble. But when I asked if he knew something, he got scared and ran off. Not literally, he looked up to the clock and apologized saying he has some project he needs to get back to or something. I just don't know what he wants, and to be honest if he can't figure it out I'm going to start asking him to lunch elsewhere. I've got enough on my plate at the moment, thank you very much.

I'll admit, I am curious. I wish he would decide he wanted to open up to me, 'cause then at least I'd have something to work with. If he knows something about these missing hikers, he needs to speak up. They need to be found. And if something is happening to them, we need to be able to address it. Whatever "it" is.

Oh, and there wasn't any blow back from John. Which makes me wonder if he was even talked to. If they did talk to him then he's handling it well. I just don't expect that out of him at this point. I didn't have a dizzy spell either, so there's no way of knowing if his behavior's going to change. I did talk to the other cashiers and security, those who I mostly work around. They know about my blackout, and they know I get these dizzy spells, and now they know my concerns. So if something does happen and John's around, they can keep him in check while I deal with my attack. Most of them knew anyway, but now they know I've talked to HR and they have backing to step in if needed.

Another day down.

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