Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6th, 2017

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and I enjoy living with them. But I really need to get my own place. Max and I have talked many times about getting a place together, but things always have a way of not working out. And I understand my parents concerns, especially after that blackout, I can't live alone. In case something happens, I need someone around who can call for help. So until something opens up, I'm stuck. Still, it'd be nice to have a day to myself for a change. I could get my laundry done without having to work around Mom. Or watch the shows I wanted to watch without having to plan around Dad.

Logically I know, no matter who I'm living with, I'll have these same frustrations. But I have to hope that I could find a place with someone compatible. You know, we both want to watch the same show, so there's no fighting over the channel. Things like that. One would think having lived with my parents for so long, I'd have found a way of managing these things. How my parents can generate so much laundry between the two of them, I don't think I'll ever understand. Mom always has something in the wash. One load, that's all I ask.

So yea, chore day. Usually I have two days to work these things out, but since I'll be helping Candace out tomorrow, I have to get my chores done today. Which I did manage to do, finally.

I also got to watch the next episode of Legion. I'm really engrossed in that show, and I'm not sure I can explain why. I didn't know much about the comics, just enough to have been able to recognize Legion when they were teasing the show. After the premier I looked him up on the 'net to see what I could learn. He's powerful, scary powerful, and not sane. He suffers from schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. From what I was reading, about ninety percent of his comics take place within his own head.

What this means to me is that I can't be sure what's real in his show. And I think that's the point to some extent. It's really neat, but it's hard to get a grip on what's happening. It's like everything is a flashback, even when I think I'm watching the current timeline, they still manage to make it a flashback. And so I'm drawn in, as much out of interest as out of a need to get a solid grip on the story.

Dad got home before I could finish, and of course he starts talking over the dialog, so I couldn't quite finish the episode. I'm going to have to watch over it again anyway to see if I can get my bearings. And of course, once I stop the recording, Dad wants to watch the news.

I went to help Mom in the kitchen, but a story caught my attention. Some hikers have gone missing again. Two different parties, and in different parks. There doesn't seem to be any connection between them, but it is strange. I guess the first party, a guy and a girl, was reported missing a few days ago when they didn't return home after leaving. They had done everything right, at least they let their families and friends know what they were doing and where. So when they didn't get home people knew to go looking for them. Their vehicle was found, but so far they haven't been, even with the help of tracking dogs and search and rescue.

The other party was a single guy. He was supposed to meet up with some friends, they were all going to camp together. They all set out separately and planned on joining up at the same location having taken different routes to get there. The one never showed up, and because their plans were all different, they didn't know to immediately go looking for him. It also meant that they weren't able to get people to start looking for him until they all returned. So this individual has been missing longer than the couple, but less time being actively searched for.

It makes me think of Hal. He had gone missing, but he was found before the week was out if I remember correctly. So far both parties are coming up to a week, and they still haven't been found. I hope they are all found soon.

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