Saturday, September 9, 2017

September 9th, 2017

Saturday today, which means Max was able to join me for lunch. She's still going on about that video she had found. What I could piece together of what she was saying is that she can't find anything about the video itself to suggest that it's fake. No tampering of the video or the like. And she's been comparing it to the other videos and is convinced they are all genuine. So now she's looking at the footage itself hoping to spot wires or anything to indicate that what is recorded was faked to begin with. Max is very impressed with how well the video was been done, but she seems frustrated that she can't find anything to falsify it. What is really making the tape convincing is that there's multiple videos, all from different angles. If there was anything to spot one of the videos would have spotted it, but she's not finding it. And when I asked about people throwing the items that are in the air she pointed out one example of an item changing its trajectory on film, without any apparent cause. It's not the only item that does this, so they can't have simply been thrown. But she's still not finding suspension wires or anything, nor any video editing to remove such wires.

As she was going on about this, very animatedly I might add, Hal walks by. I'm not sure if he was attracted to Max's visual depiction, or if he was looking for me again, but he invited himself to join us this time. Once he figured out what Max was going on about, he became highly interested. Which only gave Max more of an audience, so I couldn't ask him to give us our space. After listening to her explanation and watching the video for himself though, Hal seemed to grow even more concerned than he had been over the last few days.

I'll admit I was being a bit of a jerk, but I felt he was being rude and I knew it was a sore spot, so I asked him again about the missing hikers. He actually engaged me this time saying the hikers missing here in Colorado aren't the only ones. Max picked up that something important was happening and she pressed him. Hal said that there were missing Hikers in Utah and Wyoming and that there were missing farmers in Kansas and Nebraska too. He said as of this morning a hiker was reported missing out of Durango, and he expected more as time went by. Not just hikers and farmers who might be out alone, but that people would start going missing in urban areas as well. That given enough time, people around the world would go missing.

Max looked to me and asked what this had to do with her video. I just shrugged and tried to show without saying anything that I was just trying to get him to leave. But Hal, not noticing me at all, said it was all connected. That just as people go missing, there would be more videos like what Max found flowing out from Colorado in the same pattern.

He was sounding more than a little bit like those guys who wander around wearing signs that say "The End is Nigh." So I asked rather bluntly how he could know this. It seemed to shake him out of whatever thoughts he was having, and realizing he was telling us these things he apologized and left again.

Max and I shared a laugh at his expense after that. But I think we were both considering what Hal had said. Max does like her conspiracy theories, and while she enjoys debunking them, I think she's enjoying the idea that she might have found something real. On the other hand, I was thinking about how things have felt different since I woke up out of my blackout. I hadn't given it much thought, 'cause things haven't changed. But if it is all connected, somehow I am able to sense it.

That or we're all full of shit. And I'm not sure which I'd rather be at the moment. So I'm going to bed.

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