Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6th, 2018

I'm kinda stuck as I'm working on things right now. Trying to get all my tax stuff in order and can't find the right link I need to get the document I'm supposed to have. So I'm taking a break from that and writing my journal a little early tonight. Maybe I'll be able to find the link I need when I get done.

Hal was very attentive to me today. As expected he wasn't going to be able to pick me up to hit the gym before going to work. So he made sure to call and we chatted during my bus ride there. He wanted to make sure I was okay, and that he'd heard back from the housing department concerning Simon. They've received our report and are looking in to it. About as politic an answer as they can give, but at least its an acknowledgement that Hal's request has reached them. Hopefully something will be done, though I can't imagine they wouldn't.

When I saw him at lunch, he said he'd stopped in to housing to check in on the and make sure they knew he wasn't going to drop this. He got pretty much the same answer, but the point was to make sure they knew it wasn't just a random request. Hal said he was on the pleased side of neutral about the visit. He also stopped by his place when he knew Simon would be at class and grabbed what items he needed. He also brought me my coat, I had left that behind when I ran. Everything was still in it, thank goodness. I had to borrow some money from Mom this morning since I didn't have my bus pass.

But while he was there, since he's staying at his parents place for the foreseeable future, he said his parents had invited me to diner tomorrow evening. I always hear how nervous the guy is at meeting his girlfriends parents for the first time. I don't think I've ever heard how it can be nervous for girls too. For the guys, it's all about being protective of their little girl and how he's seen as a threat. For me, at least, I'm worried about how they'll see me. If I'm good enough for their little boy.

If Hal is any indication, I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll just keep repeatin~

Channel 4 just had live coverage of the vigilante clinging to the roof of a car as it was speeding down I-25 through Centennial toward Castle Rock. Dad hollered out so loud he startled me and I ran downstairs expecting a fire or something. There's no word on how the vigilante got on top of the car, but the reporter confirmed that the vehicle was stolen out of a parking lot at the Alameda/Havana Park and Ride. The police were chasing the vehicle with the vigilante hanging on, and the driver was all over the road. It seemed like he was trying to shake the vigilante off.

I don't know how long I watched that until the car finally clipped someone and rolled. The vigilante was tossed into the barrier between lanes. It looked like he hit hard, but he got up quickly. Quickly enough to get pinned by the now upside down stolen car as it slid into him. There were four police cruisers with them at that point and they came to a stop surrounding the car. All the police jumped out, pulling their guns and shouting. A couple of guys were crawling out of the windows in the car. With everything that was going on the vigilante was just about forgotten.

There was stunned silence, from everyone, as we watched the car get pushed away from the barrier by the vigilante. It was on its top, upside down, so it's not like the car was rolling. He was sliding the car away from him. For all that, he did stumble out from being pinned. But once he got out, he shook himself off and glared at the two who had crawled out of the car. They'd been pretty defiant towards the police, but after that display they both threw their hands into the air and dropped to their knees.

Some officers approached the two guys and started putting cuffs on them. But they were also watching the vigilante and started shouting for him to get down too. He made some gestures in frustration, which made the police nervous. To be honest, with all the shootings that've been happening I'm surprised they didn't open fire then. But the police didn't back down and kept shouting for him to get down. He turned, vaulted the barrier and tore off across the far lanes and off into the countryside. The oncoming traffic had been stopped, so there wasn't any danger there, and the police did take a few shots at him. But he managed to get a small hill between them which forced the police to stop shooting. By the time a cruiser on the northbound lane could catch up he was gone.

He's strong. There's no doubt about that now. I know things were working in his favor; how slick asphalt can be, that he was sliding the car rather than lifting it. But he was also pressed against the barrier. It's not like he could set his feet and push whole body. That was purely upper body, probably just his arms. Just looking real quick, cars like that are around thirty five hundred pounds. A very strong man might be able to do that, but I'd expect them to look... like Sam. This guy, is not small, but he's not built like that.

As impressive as that was, he had just been pinned by that same car as it slid into him and the barrier behind him. The car wasn't coming to a stop just before him, it hit the barrier hard. How he was not crushed by that is incredible, but he could have gotten lucky. How he could push the car away from him is jaw dropping, but people have been known to perform heroic feats in those kinds of situations. How he could run away afterward is beyond belief. And yet, we all just watched him do that.

I'm not entirely sure what to think about this. Considering what we think is happening, I think it's fair to ask if he's even human? And if he's not, what is he? Is the deer mask even a mask?

After all that though, I'm not going to finished doing taxes today. I've got time to work on 'em. Tomorrow though, I wasn't planning on much. But if I'm going to see Hal's parents, I think it's long over due to get my hair cut. Maybe I can get Candace's help picking out an outfit too.

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