Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23rd, 2017

Monday morning meeting today, surprise of surprises the remodel is taking longer than anticipated. Those things always run into unanticipated snags, so it's not really surprising, and it's been planned for. That said the new walls have been added and the old walls torn down, so mostly what's taking time is wiring and installation. With the changes being made we were allowed a small tour of the new area so we can start getting an idea of it's layout.

I do think the flow will be a bit easier, as far as the physical space goes. I still don't know how everything will be presented, so I can't speak to that. But the space feels more open and casual. A lot of the heavy fixtures for the new displays are already in place, so we have a good idea of how the layout.

It was exciting to go through it though, almost like being a wide eye'd kid visiting for the first time all over again. I think we have a tendency to forget that feeling, and it's nice to be reminded how new visitors see the place. It was still dusty though, and it was setting off Jo's allergies something fierce.

Since this eventuality was somewhat expected, not much else changes. Nephmesu is still touring the states, I think I heard that he's in Austin, TX this week. He'll be making his way through New Mexico and Arizona, then north to Las Vegas. After that will be a trip up the West coast through California and Oregon before making his way to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and then Illinois. Hopefully by then we'll have his new apartment finished and he can come join us here in Denver.

For a dead guy, he gets to see more of the country than I do. Of course, he'll see it all from the inside of a crate, a truck, and in museums with everyone staring at him. Can't say I envy that.

Anyway, tomorrow will be the end of my work week. I want to use Wednesday to try and do some searching on line for answers to our costume conundrum. If we have to make our own, I want to know what kind of cloth to get, and how much. It'll be good to have a general idea of it's cost also. I might be looking at some late nights over the next week. It'll be worth it, and Mom's always happy to help.

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