Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October 4th, 2017

Chore day today. I got laundry done, had to stop by the pharmacy to refill my prescription, and paid bills. It was nice getting out today. With the changing climate it's taking longer and longer to cool off. The trees have been changing color, but things haven't been getting cooler. Today it started to feel that way. It's getting me excited for Halloween!

When I got home I caught up with Legion. They are finally gathering together the whole of what's going on in a cohesive story, and I'm very happy with that. I was holding out on accepting everything up till now, and they have been driving towards this so it's not a surprise by any means. It just goes to show how well they've handled presenting what all is going on, such that I could not commit until now. And having provided that answer definitely gives me the satisfaction I would be frustrated without. Kudos to the producers and writers for being able to hold that off and keep my attention for so long. Granted it's been, what? Less than ten episodes, so it's not like they held off that long. But they did it well before my frustration would begin, and that's something.

Actually, I had been thinking while I watched about what attracts me to the show so much. I think it's playing with perception and sanity has a lot to do with why I like it. I realized that it really resonated with my fears of hallucinating and what it might mean for my future. I know I should talk to someone, that I should work to actively confirm what I'm seeing. But I'm afraid that even doing that might get me labeled insane even if they confirm what I'm seeing. The enticing part of the show is that seeing things might be my superpower, like I'm a mutant. It's not that I'm hallucinating, but that I can see things other's can't.

It's a nice thought at least.

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