Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11th, 2017

For as busy as it had been this last weekend. Today seemed almost dead in comparison. It wasn't, our attendance was still up today compared to normal. As much business as we've done these last two days, we were all ready for another very busy day, and we didn't need to be. I was noticing though that a lot of today's visitors were from out of town. Everyone in town must've had to go back to work, leaving just those who were visiting. A lot of interesting characters I must say, two really stood out to me.

The first one caught my eye 'cause he immediately made me think of Mr. Westhouse. And while he was an older man wearing tweed, it didn't take me long to realize he wasn't Mr. Westhouse. For one thing, Mr. Westhouse was tall and slender with a straight back. This guy was short, and not overweight by any means, but not skinny. Also, Mr. Westhouse had a very professional appearance to him, this guy looked more like a tenured professor who didn't have to worry about things as much. I remember Mr. Westhouse being attentive too. As long as he was talking to his companion his attention was full. And when I entered the room his full attention was on me. This guy didn't seem to be aware of anyone around him.

Well, he wasn't aware of anyone but his companion. He almost seemed like a little kid always asking his parents to come see what he's found. Except, he would have been a grandparent to his companion. Which obviously wasn't the case, because where the older man was pasty white his companion looked Hispanic. It wasn't just that the guy was accompanying the old man, on his own I think he would have stood out as well. In the show Supernatural, Sam and Dean often present themselves as FBI agents, and when they do so they dress up in suit and tie. That's what this guy was wearing. Except, even in the show Sam and Dean make their suites look loose. Not like the suits are a size too big, as much as unprofessional. Like they were thrown on in a hurry and they didn't pay attention to how they looked. This guy looked sharp, his suit was very well fitting, and he plainly cared about his appearance.

But I find myself thinking back to the two's interaction. It wasn't just that the older guy was like the child always asking for attention, the younger guy was trying to get tickets and keep an eye on him at the same time. I can't help but laugh at the roll reversal. And yet, the younger was attentive to the older. Usually parents are exasperated and almost annoyed that their kids are so demanding when they're trying to get tickets or whatever. The younger seemed practiced at that, and I wouldn't be surprised to find he did have kids of his own. So he'd give the older attention long enough to make him happy, and then he'd turn back to Robert to finish buying tickets.

I didn't get to watch them as eagerly as I might normally, I did have guests of my own to tend to. But for what little I saw, they really made an impression.

As I was saying though, as busy as the day was it was a breeze compared to the last two. So my attention was kept, and time flew, and it was relaxing. Which is such an odd thing to be true.

Hal made sure to join me for lunch. He said with final projects due this week and then finals next week, he wouldn't have any time. He was apologetic, and I was understanding. And so he was adamant that he be able to see me at lunch cause he won't otherwise.

I was telling him about the two guys I'd seen checking in, and he laughed and said he'd noticed the older dragging the younger through the museum. Hal said he'd noticed them in the Gems and Minerals area while he was talking to Dr. Jaye. He noticed them later studying Nephmesu closely enough that guards had quietly made their way into the exhibit. Nothing happened, thankfully, but that was a little alarming to hear. I wonder now what they were after, or who they were.

Hal's looking forward to Star Wars and has already bought tickets. We'll go to a later show on Saturday, that way we can meet Max and her new boyfriend for dinner first. What'll be difficult is that it means we'll have a late night, and I still have to work in the morning. But I think for one night I can suck it up.

One more day and then my week is over. Of course, then I have to go shopping. I did get a hold of Batel, she loves the idea of an ugly tie and said she's going to try and find an ugly sweater to go with it. She mentioned that a cardigan might help show the tie off more and was hopeful she might find something. Either way it'll probably be more expensive than a tie, so I've offered to help pay for whatever she finds. If I can't find anything in the stores on Tuesday I'll have to search online.

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