Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18th, 2017

And so it begins; finals week for Max and Hal. Hal has this week off at the museum due to his finals, so I didn't get to see him at all today. He texted a few times to say he was out of this test or that one. He's feeling pretty good about the tests he's taken, which is good. But he's got a lot to do between classes to prepare for the next test, so I wasn't able to see him after work either. It's strange, it wasn't so long ago that this was my normal, go to work, go home, no one to see or spend time with. But I've been having lunch with Hal regularly for so long that lunch felt lonely. And then after work he's usually taking me home at least if we don't go spend some time together. Riding the bus home felt kinda odd. Though it was amusing for the driver, Yemi, to be so happy to see me again. She was worried something might have happened, but was thrilled to learn that I have a boyfriend now who gives me rides.

Work itself was good. Things are starting to get back to normal after the introduction of our new exhibit. We are still getting a lot of people wanting to see Nephmesu, and so our volume is still up from this time last year. But not like it was these last two weeks. We've adjusted to having so many guests that even as busy as it has been, we actually felt like things were slow.

So I've been home since after work, had a little bit of time and went looking in to progress at DIA. I was curious how the earthquake might have affected things, but being on the far side of the city they didn't feel it. There was a couple of items in the news concerning DIA though. Firstly that since they were having to rebuild the concourse, they've decided to go ahead with a long overdue expansion. But while the earthquake didn't cause any problems, there was some electrical problems yesterday that delayed some flights and no word on what the cause was. Finally, people are reporting items missing in unusually high numbers.

It's important to note that people aren't losing things out of their luggage, nothing is being taken. Mostly it's that items lost aren't being returned. There's always the lost and found right, well people are still losing things, but nothing's being turned in as found. So when travelers come to lost and found hoping something might be turned in, nothing ever is. It's a strange situation, which is probably the only reason it's being mentioned.

I've been scanning the news looking for mysterious break ins or anything that resembles what had happened along Nephmesu's tour. I can't find anything, nor am I finding anything for Portland either. I'm wondering if the break ins were due to a road hand that might have quit between San Fran and Portland. It's still possible the break in's had nothing to do with Nephmesu, but if not that's an awful lot of coincidence. I'm just not sure how to look in to who was working on the road crew, so I have no way of finding out who might have quit at any time. I also have no legal authority.

I did check the message boards that had also noticed the break ins. They never did make the connection with the tour, so their theories are wild. Nothing strikes me as plausible, much less likely. Especially not the UFO claims. I mean really, if they can teleport matter why bother with opening any doors? Besides, nothing was ever missing.

Tomorrow will be my Friday. I can look forward to another day like today I think.

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