Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12th, 2018

I think Hal might have me convinced that it's Nephmesu himself rather than someone working with/around him. Given today's events, I was able to "bump" into Dr. Karlson and talk with him. If he knows what's going on, he's a hell of a liar. Not that I'm necessarily that good at being able to tell when someone's lying to me, but he seemed genuinely surprised and worried with what happened. That and he's got a rock solid alibi.

I suppose I should explain what happened. This morning as Hal was dropping me off at work, we were noticing that the parking lot was full of vehicles. Official looking vehicles, and vehicles that we knew belonged to managers and other important persons. We looked at each other as he was letting me out, and Hal just said "Good luck."

I'm still not entirely sure what happened, but as I understand it one of the wildlife displays was completely rearranged, out on the commons floor. Everything was taken out of the display and put outside where the guests would walk through. More importantly, everything that had been going missing over these last few weeks was found there among the contents of the display.

From the sound of things, nothing is missing. Everything is accounted for, and it's all in good shape. Except the remote for the drone, as I understand it that was taken apart and is no longer functional as a remote.

But of course, because this happened, security and management are loosing their shit. Everyone who's had something taken was brought in for questioning. The official vehicles are there because the security guards are also being held accountable for allowing this to happen. The rest of us were questioned as a group but also instructed that if we had any information we were to report it right away. Failure to do so would make us accomplices.

So despite the museum being closed down for the day, none of us were allowed to leave. It was a long day of questions on the verge of accusations. Or standing outside apologizing to people we had to turn away. There was no good option.

Early in the day though I spotted Dr. Karlson standing alone watching what was happening. So I made my way over to him and approached him asking what was going on. I told him I'd just gotten there and let him inform me. Like I said, he was as surprised as the rest of us. But I noticed he wasn't being questioned with his peers, so I asked about that as innocently as I could. He was in a meeting last night with some of the directors, so he couldn't have been here to do anything.

But that did get him talking about what he was happening with the Nephmesu exhibit and everything. That allowed me to "remember" that he had been on the tour with our resident mummy and ask about that. I didn't want to ask any questions that would give away that I knew anything. So I just asked about how it went and we had a great conversation. From the sound of it, he's really pleased that he got to be a part of the tour and is thrilled with how well it went. In fact it seems he wishes it could still be happening. But I couldn't find a way to ask about the break-ins, and if he was aware of them he didn't bring them up. I don't think he is though.

I asked about the road crew, just trying to be curious how they managed what they were doing. If I weren't so interested in a certain aspect of the tour I might have found it more impressive. But the road crew was all employed through outside means, even road security. So the only one still here from the tour was Dr. Karlson himself, him and Nephmesu. And if Dr. Karlson isn't behind this...

I was skeptical about these thefts being connected with the break-ins, but now that the items are all returned it's like they were only borrowed without asking. Which puts this very much back in the court of what was happening during the tour. I still think Hal was jumping to conclusions, he just happened to jump to the right conclusion.

So after work at Hal's place, we discussed what I'd learned. It meant he didn't get a lot of studying done. He was feeling good about the tests he'd taken today and he only has one tomorrow that he'd already spent some time studying for. Hal is now convinced more than ever that we need to try and stay over. And when I raised my concerns about getting caught, he said obviously there was something preventing security from noticing what was happening. Hal's convinced we wouldn't get caught for the same reason they aren't catching whoever's been doing this stuff.

I have to admit that I really want to know what's going on. If I wasn't so worried about getting caught, if I felt certain that I wouldn't get caught, I'd stay after to see for myself what was happening.

We weren't called off for tomorrow, so I'll be showing up to work as normal. I don't know what's going to happen, and if we're still closed I don't know what they expect me to do.

I did get Efe's letter off this morning, hopefully it finds him safe. Not much else to say.

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