I overheard a conversation between Sam and Candace while I was in the other room today. I don't know that it was a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear, but it did seem strange. Sam was comforting Candace that I'd be here for her if she needed, that he was just a phone call away. I didn't catch the whole conversation, so I'm probably taking things out of context. It sounded like Sam's been coming here every night to check on her, and now that I'm here he won't. Maybe Candace's amnesia has her grasping on to the familiar, which in this case was Sam visiting every night. And if he's not doing that anymore, maybe she's panicking about it. Either way, when I joined them she seemed fine. And they never brought up the conversation with me, so I didn't ask about it.
Hal had come by during his lunch break, and helped me a bit with my unpacking. Not much though 'cause he needed to eat and get back. While we were talking though he mentioned a building that had shown up mysteriously in Denver. And then promptly apologized remembering I didn't want to have anything to do with those things. With all the moving over this weekend, I've had my head down and wasn't paying attention to the news anyway. Kinda wondering what else I'm missing.
Anyway, it was a reminder to me that these things are happening, that they aren't just stories in a conspiracy. I told Hal it was fine, some things I won't be able to ignore, and they are happening. I just didn't want to know about the things he was getting in to, that I didn't want to be included in any more trespassing or otherwise illegal activities.
After he left though curiosity got the better of me and I turned on the TV to see if there was any news. Sure enough there's a new building on Sheridan between Sloan lake and Colfax. City officials can't explain how it got there, there's no building permits or anything to allow for its construction. But there was no construction either, or deconstruction of other buildings. It's like it appeared between two buildings as though it had always been there, but yesterday there wasn't any room between those buildings. So this is another instance of things folding or unfolding to reveal more space than there had been before. I still don't know exactly how that works.
What Hal was mentioning though is that he's finding it interesting that this new building appeared in line with the existing buildings. That the whole building appeared, in it's own space. Rather than replacing another building, or merging, or only half showing up. Or for that matter, showing up in the middle of the road, or set back away from the road and not connecting with the sidewalk.
The building itself resembles an old tavern. Looking at pictures, it makes me think of The Prancing Pony or other such taverns found throughout movies and books of historical or fantastical setting. It even appears old, as if it had always been there. Well cared for, but old.
I even found an interview with a little old man claiming to be the owner. From his perspective, all the guests just disappeared that same night, and his neighborhood changed. He's not sure how he got here, but he's happy to offer room and board to travelers and visitors. He said at first he was thrilled with those visitors who came out of curiosity, but they didn't order much nor did anyone ask for a room so he's not making money off them. Now he's got city officials demanding to see his kitchen and rooms to make sure they're clean enough and he's insulted that they would think he's not. And until they give their okay, he's forced to close his doors. The other thing is that his employees have all disappeared too, so he needs new employees. And a business licence, he claims he inherited the business from his father, and that it's been operating for generations. What's he need a licence for it now?
In a way, it's amusing, if unfortunate. But in line with everything else... There's still no word on that town that disappeared, though it seems everyone who lived there is now accounted for. They are all now displaced too, no jobs or homes. It's a little odd that only this one building appeared here, and I looked over ever interview I could find. No one seems to be asking the old man where he was to begin with. Or if they did, his answer or lack of answer isn't reported.
The old man... His name is Morcant, that's all they'll publish. I don't know if it's a first or last name, but it's the only name he'll give I guess. For that matter I wonder if it's even spelled correctly. And his Tavern is named after him: Morcant's. The only sign is a picture of a lake, though it's unclear if that lake is Sloan Lake or what. There's no writing.
I asked Sam and Candace about it during dinner. They hadn't heard anything about it either, Candace has been busy helping me, and Sam his project when he's not helping me. They both seemed concerned about it, but like me we're helpless to do anything. Candace hoped Morcant's former employees and guests are okay. Sam wondered how they were left behind if Morcant himself stayed with the building.
Another day, another mystery I guess.
I'm feeling good about what I've got done. I still have a lot of stuff in boxes, but they're less important. My clothes are back in the dresser, I've claimed the bathroom for myself, and I'm in a position where I can start living day to day. I'd like to get some shelving or something that I can put things on. And I've got a lot of pictures I need to hang. I had asked Sam for a few days, so he wasn't expecting me tomorrow, I'll use that to see what more I can do, or maybe just to settle in. But Friday Sam was hoping I could come by the shop and at the very least he can show me around and get me introduced to what I'll be doing.
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