Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6th, 2018

Today was a nice day at work. Things are still stressful after all the weird stuff, but Dr. Paulson was able to get her work space back into an order she was happy with. Even more importantly, she hasn't reported anything missing. Still no one has stepped up to take responsibility, and we all feel like we're being watched closely. But it went by without incident, and even the visitors were pleasant.

Since I had the afternoon to myself, I caught up with the news. I don't often write about things going on outside my own little world. But the disappearances and the #fairysign stuff are going from being just my own little world to being a part of the wider world. News media is really starting to catch on to this pattern, and I think people are realizing that whatever the effect is, it's spreading. So the questions that are starting to be asked is what the effect is, what caused it, and what can be done about it. Because we're talking about missing persons, they are focusing on social causes. They don't know about the ohveo or the Fomori, or that there might actually be some truth to the old mythologies. So they don't know what they should be asking or how to focus on these issues being something other than social.

And so my little world issues are starting to become part of the larger world. And now I'm wondering how things will be different after the ohveo is completely down. They're talking about hosting the Olympics here in Colorado. It's an exciting idea, but how will that work with fairies and Fomori? Or will we even have an Olympics? What if the fairies compete alongside us? Would that be fair, or would they be separated into their own competitions?

Then there's the school shootings, which are just heart breaking. I was in high school during the Sandy Hook shooting, and that was a scary time for us then. But they were still rare enough that we didn't consider it happening at our school. Now shootings are so common that school practice shooter drills the way we practiced fire drills. I read that some republican thinks thoughts and prayers are enough, but they've been offering thoughts and prayers every time there's a shooting. Not only are shootings still happening, they're coming more often. If thoughts and prayers are having any effect, they're making things worse.

We've got global warming making new records each year, not just in temperatures, but also in precipitation. For all that extra moisture, we don't seem to have a lot of snow on the ground. We just had a pretty intense storm the other week, and the snow was practically gone before the week was out. There used to be snow on the ground from November into March, and I've seen pictures of houses buried in snow around here. But people still deny this is even happening. Calling it climate change as though it's just some part of a bigger pattern.

But considering there are those who still profess a flat earth, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

I can't help but feel that maybe we deserve what's coming. If Hal is to be believed and the Fomori are actually coming back.

It's a depressing thought, and I hope that's not the case.

Hal did mention at lunch today that next week is his midterms and after that will be spring break. Things are probably going to be a little crazy for him next week, but he's hoping to celebrate a bit afterward. He's already asked if we could do something on that Wednesday since I'll be off. And then maybe we can get the others together on Thursday since I'd be spending the day with Candace. I told him that sounded great, and have promptly started planning on how I might surprise him with a long overdue present.

Tomorrow I'll try and get my chores done early, and then in the afternoon Hal'll pick me up. Since the mid terms are coming I suspect we'll be studying for those.

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