Friday, December 14, 2018


Well over 6 months and I haven't been able to keep up with anything. My work hours changed, my living arrangement changed, and all the free time I had to be able to work on this dried up. And when I could find some free time, I wouldn't work on this because I couldn't get an entry done in that amount of time. I Just kept hoping that things would free back up and I could start doing an entry a day.

It finally hit me that that's not going to happen, and my all or nothing attitude toward working on this has been toxic and completely unproductive.

So, I'm starting over. Not with the story, I want to tell this like I have been. But I'm tossing that attitude. I will work on this when I get the chance, and I will do what I can with what time I have. And if it takes me a week to get an entry up, then it takes me a week. That's what it took for me to get the entry up I did the other day. I may never catch up, not without some support, but that's okay. At least I'll tell the story, and hopefully some day I may be able to finish it.

I apologize to anyone who might have been reading this, I'm sorry my attitude so affected my ability to keep this going. Hopefully having kicked the attitude to the curb I'll be able to start working on this again. It'll be slow, and there's no reason for me to think I'll have any regularity in publishing, but it'll come. And if things open up for me again, I'll take advantage of that.

An idea I had had was to maybe do some telling of what's going on. Like a post, not a journal entry, but a post in which I tell you guys about someone, or some aspect of the story. Just as a way to help maybe paint a picture of what's going on or those who are involved. I had hoped that these things would be revealed in Rawiya's journal, but with an extended rejection of work I fear I've lost that focus. If anyone would like that let's take advantage of it, ask me questions. Something you don't understand? Ask. It's not like I'm going to give everything away, but if I'm not clear about something, this is a good way to let me know. And then I can help clear things up either through Rawiya's Journal, or in a post of my own depending on what was appropriate.

To sum up, I apologize for leaving this story and you all hanging. I've come to realize that I'm being a poor story teller and I'm going to change that. Please bear with me, and thank you for your patience and readership.

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