Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28th, 2017

As has so often been proven true, my dizzy spells are not to be predicted. The nice thing is that I didn't have one. The disappointing part is that I couldn't predict it. So since I hadn't had one last night or this morning, I didn't take public transportation and Sam came and got me. Not that he minded, I was just wanting to learn the routes. It's just as well, Mom wasn't liking the idea just in case I did have an attack.

Candace was in seventh heaven, she fairly floated everywhere having full mobility and no need for those bulky crutches. Where she had been knocking those crutches into everything, her grace was something to behold and envy. I felt super clumsy being around her, and I didn't trip or stumble or anything.

With her new found mobility, I didn't have to help her with chores around the house so much, so we spent all day out in the backyard working on her garden. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work. I've never worked on the ground before, digging around and getting my hands dirty. There was a satisfaction at the end of the day that I've never felt in anything else I've ever worked on. Even when we still didn't have much to show for it. We worked on landscaping mostly, since it's way too late in the season to really plant anything. Did a lot of pulling weeds too. So it did look much more like a garden when we were finished.

Candace's cat was outside watching us the whole time. Despite our best efforts, he refused to join us. Though once Sam called us in for dinner, we noticed him inspecting our work and rolling in the freshly turned dirt.

I asked Candace if she'd considered a name for the cat, give us something to call him other than her cat, or the cat. She said she didn't feel comfortable just naming him, that when he wanted us to know his name he'd tell us. It seemed odd, but maybe she's just thinking she'd name him boots if she caught him playing in someones boots or something.

Sam had let himself in while we were in back and had started cooking before we even knew he was there. He made a simple soup for us this time, it had lots of vegetables; onions, celery, carrots, basil leaves, garlic, and rice. Then he added slices of lemon, which I thought was odd, but it lent a nice flavor. And then topped it with Parmesan cheese. To accompany it, he made a buttermilk raisin and caraway seed bread. It was very different, but made for a nice dinner.

While I had the both of them seated, I let them know about the Roller Derby tournament that I'd be going to in a couple of weeks and how it'd change my schedule around. I offered to visit on Friday if they needed, but Saturday was already planned out. Candace asked about going, and I let her know that I had already checked and tickets were sold out. But I did let her know that it should be televised if she wanted to watch that. She looked distressed to have to deal with the TV, but I said I could set it on the channel, and when the time came she could just turn it on. She's figured out how to do that much, I can't understand why it's so hard for her to get the rest. In any case, she's got DVR, so I suggested that I can set it to record and then we can watch it together the next time I'm over. She seemed pleased with that idea.

When we were finished, Sam offered a cordial to each of us. I of course turned it down, not sure what it'd do with my meds. Candace and Sam both had a shot, and before they drank they saluted toward the ceiling. It was odd, and when I asked what it was about Sam said they were recognizing the changing of the watch? It didn't make any sense to me, and I didn't ask any more. A quick google search though after I got home didn't bring anything up. Maybe it's something to do with the army? Sam and Eli were both enlisted, maybe it's a tradition he passed on to Candace.

After dinner I set up Candace's DVR to record some shows I like. The tournament was harder to find, but I think I've got it set up. I'll have to remember to check again next time I'm there. But this way I've got some shows that she and I can watch together when I'm there and we can figure out what kind of entertainment she actually enjoys. She does seem to like soaps, so I made sure to record Supernatural.

By that point it was getting late, so Sam brought me home. Hopefully I don't wake to another dizzy spell tonight, I've got work again tomorrow. Not having one all day has made me paranoid about that.

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