Sunday, October 8, 2017

October 8th, 2017

I was looking at my calendar today, and noticed that my Dr's appointment is coming up. Not this Wednesday, but the next. Going to have to keep that in mind and get my notes together, all my dizzy spells and everything. Today was also the third day since my last episode, but nothing happened. I don't know, they've never been predictable, I don't know why they'd start being so now. We went from simply keeping track of when I got dizzy, to tracking it against my periods. No pattern or connection. Of course I was getting my spells before I'd even reached puberty so that probably shouldn't have been surprising, but we had to check anyway. So we started keeping track of my stress levels and that's about why I started writing this journal. Tests at school, my interactions with the other kids and how that might have affected me. Just trying to pay attention to what caused me stress in my life.

I'll have to talk with Dr. Laurie about what all's going on. What I'd seen in the botanic gardens might be the only hallucination I've actually had. But with what all Hal has been talking with me about, I kinda feel I should tell Dr. Laurie everything. I'm just scared he might have me committed.

I don't know, I've got a week and a half before I really have to worry about it.

Today was busy, and they needed me to cover Alecia's break for lunch. She was the "security guard" standing outside the Egypt display. Her lunch was right in the middle of the busy period, and I didn't have my information packet with me. I remembered most everything, we've been answering questions left and right up front as well. But there were a few questions I couldn't remember for the life of me how to answer. And of course those were the pushy guests. Fortunately Alecia got back while I was working with one, so she was able to answer their question and let me go take my own lunch.

It was just an exhausting day, so I'm hitting the sheets early.

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