Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 24th, 2017

What a busy day! I knew it was getting close, but Christmas and Christmas Eve always seem to take me by surprise. With school out, and people coming to Denver to visit families, we get a lot of extra traffic. It is interesting though that so many people are coming here to Denver considering the troubles at DIA and on I-70. I suppose that does make it easier on the people who live here, but I can't imagine it'd be any easier travel either way. Still, a lot of interesting people to meet today.

Hal did catch me at lunch, taking time away from spending it with family. We discussed what he'd be doing for the holidays and it got into a lot of the same conversation I'd been having with Candace about how my family doesn't celebrate like most others. Hal was understanding and accepting, but he was hoping I'd be able to join him. Alas, work. Not that I don't want to, I think it'd be nice to meet his folks. Maybe some time less... expecting?

That said, it was nice to get home tonight just to Mom and Dad. Mom was talking with Batel when I got in, and they were already planning on sending a care package to Efe. Batel finally found the perfect sweater to go with my tie. Not a cardigan like we'd hoped, but she said it was called a "Humping Reindeer" sweater. I can only imagine. So she's going to package that up and mail it to us, that way we can box it up with my tie and Mom wanted to send along some treats. Should be nice.

On that note, Mom and I set about making cookies. It was a good night all together. Tomorrow will probably be dead at the Museum, but I still have to show up. No worries, we'll get some cleaning done I'm sure.

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