Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1st, 2018

I'm a little worried about Hal. He sent me a text before lunch saying that someone from his organization was requesting to meet with him. Since he's got lab tonight, the only chance available was his lunch. He grabbed us both for the gym as usual, and hadn't mentioned it then. So they must've contacted him after he'd already gone to class.

Candace had been worried about if Jane showed up while Hal was here, even though she had asked Jane to come in the afternoon. So that worked out. In fact, once we knew Hal wasn't going to make it for lunch, Candace suggesting calling Jane up and maybe meeting her somewhere for lunch before coming back to the house. It was a great idea, and Jane happily agreed once we got a hold of her.

Lunch was nice, we met at a sandwich shop that was near a couple of bus stops accessible by our two routes. It took a little planning to find such a suitable place, and the food was rewarding. We sat and chatted, though I think I committed a faux pas. Remembering the group that Jane had invited Candace to join, I asked her about it. Jane coolly told me that it wasn't a group for me, that she wouldn't be discussing it with me. She wasn't mean, I don't think she's got a mean bone in her body, but she was firm. I apologized, I just didn't think it was that big a deal. Though I asked Candace about it later in the day, Candace asked if I discussed my tumor with everyone. Granted, I'm more open about it than she is with her amnesia, but I got the point.

Otherwise the day went well, after lunch we made our way back to Candace's. The stuff her in-laws had left behind were almost worthless. Candace of course had claimed most of the kitchen utensils, plates, pots, pans, things of that nature that were of practical need. But the extra stuff she had included as what they could take if they wanted. They didn't, but Jane had need, so she happily grabbed them up.

There really wasn't much else, but no one wanted it, so Jane suggested taking it with her anyway and donating it through the church. With everything boxed up for her though, she'd end up needing a ride back with Sam. So I started texting him just to find out if he'd be able to grab her tonight, or if he'd be willing to deliver the stuff another day. Sam said he was happy to give her a ride home tonight. If he wouldn't have been, she'd have had to leave to catch the last bus. This way she knew she could stay. So we started planning dinner for when Sam would get there.

Actually, we saw Candace's cat today. Which surprised the heck out of me, I had almost forgotten he even existed. Even Candace was surprised to see him, he's so rarely out in the open whenever there's company. Even more surprising, he rubbed up against my leg as he passed by, and then Jane's leg as well. Then he sat down by his food bowl until Candace fed him, which she did with a rub of his head. He ate, and then left. I almost jumped when he rubbed my leg, I wasn't sure what to expect and had vivid memories of him clawing at me when I'd disturbed his resting place. Hopefully this means he's accepted me though, maybe I'll see him more often. He is a beautiful cat.

Anyway, Sam came by later than he usually does. He apologized saying he'd been working hard that day and had to stop and shower before coming over. He had more pictures of what he's been working on though, and was proudly showing them off. I still can't make heads or tails of it, and he's keeping us in the dark to his own amusement.

Jane said she's gotten a job, she's taken on cleaning houses for some of the church members. They pay her under the table, which makes me suspicious, but she's got an income now and hopefully she can start getting her feet under her.

Candace was curious how I was doing, considering how tired I'd been. I was happy to report that I was feeling much better today and was ready to go back to work tomorrow.

We chatted and had a good night, but as always it had to come to an end. Since we had all of the stuff Jane was collecting, Sam stopped by her place first so I could give a hand bringing boxes in. I hadn't seen it before, and it's nice. Cozy like my parents home, but for just her its a lot of space. Makes me wonder how she landed it in the first place.

It also meant I got home later than I usually do. Hal finally texted saying things were good, and he'd talk to me about it tomorrow. I go back to work tomorrow. It's nice that this last week is finally over, and as nice as it was to not have to do anything, being tired all the time left me feeling useless. I'll be happy to have responsibilities again.

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