Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23rd, 2017

Usually Thanksgiving dinner is a larger affair, sometimes even much larger. With Efe out on duty, and Batel in college, there was just the three of us. It makes for a rather empty table, even with all the food Mom cooked. Which of course, because she usually cooks for five and more, we definitely over did it this year. It was all really good, but we mostly ended up just snacking throughout the day. We did sit down together for dinner, which lasted long enough for Dad to say a prayer. We sampled everything at the table, and I suppose one could argue that in fact we did have dinner together. The game was on though, and like I said we'd all been snacking, so it didn't take long for each of us to get up. Dad to watch the game, Mom answered the phone, her brother called, and I joined Dad to watch the game.

That said, the day wasn't lonely. We did get phone calls from everyone, which isn't to say we let everyone call us. Just that a conversation would get cut off on one side or the other and then they'd call back, or we'd call back later. Dad was playing phone tag with Dana for the longest time because every time one would call, the other would be on the phone with someone else. I think the majority of our conversation with him was through the other people we'd be talking to. It was rather amusing.

Batel made sure to call, she was feeling very lonely. This was her first Thanksgiving away from family, but she was with Jason's family since he was from Phoenix. And Efe did get the chance to call, so I was finally able to talk with him. He couldn't say much about where he was or what he was doing, so the conversation was pretty limited. But he did wish me a belated Happy Birthday and apologized that he couldn't make it.

It was getting later in the day, and the phone was finally getting a rest when Candace called. Dad had answered and when he said who it was I became worried knowing how her in-laws treated her. Turns out she had a relatively good time, she was just calling to see if she could come over anyway. Mom and Dad were thrilled to have some company and happily accepted both her and Sam.

They brought a pecan pie that Candace had made to share. It was fantastic. And they were happy to sample the dishes we had made. Candace really liked the Qatayefs that I had made, though she wasn't overly fond of the deviled eggs. I thought they were pretty good, but to each their own.

So while Dad chatted up Sam, I asked Candace how Thanksgiving with her in-laws was. She said they had made an effort to be nice and welcoming, and that it seemed genuine. She joked that it was the best Thanksgiving dinner she could remember, but she was sincerely happy. I guess though that Sam's family, who doesn't normally drink much, does tend to make sure to have wine for special dinners. Candace said that her Father-in-law seemed to be leaning on the wine to keep him calm. It was bad enough that even Sam noticed, and before things could get out of hand Sam suggested they take off for the night. So nothing happened per say, but it was good they left soon anyway. And it gave them the chance to come see us.

They didn't stay long as it was getting late fast, but it meant we ended up having a more proper Thanksgiving than we had thought we might. Dad and Sam must have bonded over the game, 'case Dad was inviting Sam over for the Superbowl when it happens. Candace had helped Mom and I clean up, and we made sure to send her home with some leftovers. And I've had the rest of the evening to chat with Max and Hal over text. Sounds like they both had good times with their families. I go back to work tomorrow though, so time to hit the sack.

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