Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 2nd, 2018

Hal is going to be the death of me... death by father that is. I'm being melodramatic, I know, but still; Hal needs to learn to keep his hands to himself around here. I don't think he realizes how disproving my dad is of boys flirting with his girls. I was never the issue, but Batel has some hard feelings about Dad's issues towards the boys she dates. Part of the reason I don't think she's said much to them about her current boyfriend. I have to admit, I do think Dad has mellowed a bit after his experiences with Batel. But I'm too terrified to find out. If Dad had opened that door just five seconds sooner...

My day has been fantastic. Despite the interruption last night I actually woke up feeling well rested and before my alarm would go off. It was one of those mornings that makes the new year feel like something magical. Feeling so good, I texted a cute little picture of myself to Hal in memory of our workout together yesterday. He got the message and said he'd like to join me again today. He was running a little late though, so he met me at the gym.

I'm more than a little jealous at his stamina around the track, not that I expected any difference though. It was fun running with him, but it was nice to stop for a bit and just watch him run too. He wasn't in to track like I was, instead he was in the boy scouts growing up. That's where he got into hiking, but he's found while he's out that he likes to pick up the pace. His long legs help, I'm sure, but he said it made it hard when he went hiking with his pack mates. He'd have to slow down so they could keep up. So now he hikes mostly alone.

This was all confessed to me during our tubing trip, but seeing him run the track today really impressed it upon me. Makes me a little worried about how a future hiking trip might go with the two of us. I don't want to slow him down, make it difficult on him.

Anyway, getting our heart beats up is as good as any aphrodisiac, and I was seriously contemplating taking him up on a steam room romp. But no, I remembered I still had work, I recalled that particular fact almost too late. Looked at the clock and realized I'd missed the last bus to make it to work on time. Made me appreciate having Hal around though, we were able to get me to work leisurely.

Hal stopped by for lunch again too, which was a pleasant surprise after these last few weeks. Since we were sitting though and not working up our appetites, he asked about what I'd be doing tomorrow for my day off. I let him know my usual routine for chores, which made for a lot of bus riding. He asked he if could join me, and with him driving we could get my chores done in the morning and have all afternoon to ourselves. It wasn't an unpleasant thought, but I do have lunch with Max planned for tomorrow. He said that was fine, he could drop me off and take care of a few things for Tim while we had lunch. Then he could pick me up afterward. He wasn't offended that he wasn't invited, I think he recognized we girls needed to be girls.

Then he asked about Thursday as well and I said that was usually when I'd spend the day with Candace and help her out. Though I need still need to confirm that, forgot to do that after work no thanks to my boyfriend. So I need to remember to text her tomorrow so I can confirm that. See what project she has in mind. She always seems to have some sort of project to keep busy. Depending on what it is we might be able to have Hal join us. I'd like to have him join us for dinner at least.

But no, after work we went back to Hal's place and lets just say we tried to use his shower as a steam room. It wasn't quite the same, but it got pretty steamy!

I am looking forward to tomorrow.

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