Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3rd, 2018

I think this is the first time I've actually had the whole day to just be with Hal. I know I spent a lot of time with him yesterday, but that was around work. And we did go tubing just last week, but we were with the others. Today was the first time I've really had all day just with my boyfriend. Of course, lunch was with Max, so maybe not all day. But beyond that...

This morning was just so mundane. He picked me up and we drove around taking care of chores. We visited the bank together, the pharmacy, the gym, and even stopped by the store to get groceries for him. Generally just those few stops takes me all day, give or take other stops I'd need to make. We were done by lunch, which was perfect time to drop me off with Max. And afterward we went back to my place while Dad was at work, and watched the first few episodes of Supernatural while I got my laundry done. He even helped me fold laundry.

Afterward he took me to the university and gave me a tour from his perspective. I'd been there a few times, but the official tours just aren't the same. Hal pointed out his dorm room his first year, and showed me where he'd go to get food. By which I mean not the student cafeteria, but the restaurants in easy walking distance. He pointed out the buildings he'd had classes in and which classes he'd taken. Most of the buildings were locked up of course, but the office buildings where open and staff were there starting to get prepared for the next semester. We even ran into one of Hal's professors from last year, whose name I am sorry to say I've already forgotten.

It was fun and exciting and got me to thinking of my future again. We stopped by the financial assistance building but unfortunately they were out, but I have an email I can try to establish contact with.

Afterward we went back to his place and made dinner and did some of his laundry and watched the next episode of Supernatural.

Who knew the mundane things could be so wonderful?

I did remember to text Candace this morning. She did want to get to the gym with me in the morning, and while she hadn't made any plans she was hoping to get my help with starting to clean out Eli's storage rooms. Going through his stuff and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. I mentioned Hal and she said he'd be more than welcome to come over and help. Having some muscle around would probably be useful. And he's taller than us both, so he can reach some things that even Candace can't. Hal said he'd be happy to help us, so that should be fun.

As for lunch today, Max finally opened up. She admitted that she hadn't been overly in to Robert, he'd asked her out and he was hot, so she was happy to take him up on it. Mostly though she'd hoped that she might make Sam jealous, and while Robert wasn't as beefy as Sam, he was fairly fit and it allowed her to pretend. Which was how she opened her mouth and moaned Sam's name that night. She suspected he was aware on some level that she wasn't really with him, and their relationship the whole time hadn't been the greatest. He was more than a bit of an ass, and only wanted her around for his own pleasure. She's not one to shy away from pleasure herself, so it's not the first time she'd been in such a relationship, but they do tend to be the most toxic in her experience. All in all, it's good it didn't last, and Max wasn't all that tore up about it.

That said, after Hal and I left on New Years Eve, Candace found an excuse to make herself scarce and it gave Max a chance to be alone with Sam for a while. She said he seemed a bit nervous and distant, like he was scared to engage. But after they talked for a bit she said he relaxed and allowed himself to be curious about her. She'd been asking him about his smithing and he finally asked what she was going to school for. He was curious what it meant to be a film effects editor and how she planned to turn that into a career. Once he did that, Max felt like something fell away and she was finally able to connect with him in a meaningful way.

As I go over this trying to remember our conversation, I think I know what she means. He's pretty open about himself, or at least his work as a blacksmith. But I don't think he's been very open about what he actually does, or his interests. And his interest in me and others has always been limited. He knows I work at the museum, but I don't think he's ever really asked about what I wanted to do or why I was there. In a way, it's like he's never been able to look to the future, to contemplate it. I don't know why, but it is something for him to ask Max about her future. Maybe she'll finally get him out of his shell?

Anyway, tomorrow out to be fun, and Max does want me to probe Sam about his thoughts on her. We'll see him at dinner, but I don't think I'll get much out of him with the others around.

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