Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21st, 2018

I hadn't talked to Candace or Sam to let them know what was going on. So I shouldn't have been surprised this morning when Candace called up asking about joining Hal and I at the gym. I hadn't even been to the gym since Saturday morning. So I got around real quick and suffered my parents disapproval long enough to get something in me and catch the bus.

They weren't all that bad, my parents. They were happy to see me up in the morning like usual, and had seen my applications from yesterday. I guess getting back to some relatively normal behavior on my part helps them to take Mom's advice and move on too.

At the gym I got Candace caught up on what happened. She thinks I should be proud of my actions and that the museum should be ashamed to lose me. I'm not sure she understands how important security is for the museum. Either way, it's a refreshing response to me and makes me feel a bit better.

Since I had already done most of my chores, and had the day to myself anyway, we decided to go take care of some of her things like we usually would. Then head back to her place. I hadn't planned on doing those things so I needed to head back home, which gave me the chance to grab the now completed applications to maintain a certain image in my parents eyes. A few of those applications I decided to turn in anyway, I do need some job after all.

So we ran some chores for Candace, just a couple of things she needed, but she was anxious to get home to work on her garden. I hadn't realized she'd bought so much stuff. I know I was there to watch her buy it, but at the time it was mostly numbers. Seeing the pile of wood, and potting soil, and everything else put those numbers into perspective.

Candace was relying on Sam to build the raised garden for her, and he had already started marking up the boards. But Candace didn't have the tools to cut the wood, so there they sat until Sam had figured out the dilemma. And until it got built, Candace didn't have the ability to work with her pots like she wanted. But we could start with the little pots, and that's what we did, got them ready for the seeds.

At one point I heard a noise that startled me. When I turned around I noticed Candace's cat sitting down after having jumped up onto the fence. He was watching something and when I looked my mind hallucinated a fairy flying away. Candace had been startled by it too, though not as bad as I. She laughed it off telling the cat "Good job, keep those pests out of here."

We lost ourselves in the work until Sam showed up surprised to find that I was there. He had brought a table saw that he could set up to cut the boards with and asked for some help getting it to the back. Candace teased him about needing help, which seemed friendly enough. But Sam scowled at her and so she went inside to clean up and start working on dinner.

Mostly Sam needed help getting it out of the truck, which he had his chain set up for moving the anvil. So we made use of that to get the table saw out, just to make it easy on us. And then it had wheels so even I could have taken it to the back. But someone needed to hold the gate. Once we got it in back we covered it up in case it rained, and Sam said he'd be able to cut the boards down the next day he had off. While we were there though he asked about our conspiracy dinner. He apologized that he'd missed the texts, but he was so busy he wouldn't have been able to make it anyway.

He knew Max had plans on Saturday evening with her family, and Hal and I got caught up in what was going on at the museum, so we hadn't even sent out texts. Which lead into another explanation of what had happened and where I now stand. Sam just listened, and didn't offer any judgement.

While we were eating dinner I vented some more, and admitted the ultimatum that my parents had left me with. Candace said if I needed I could move in with her, and Sam mentioned again needing a hand around the shop and said he could offer me a job if I wanted to help him with that. He couldn't offer me full time, but it'd give me at least some cash if I needed while I looked for something else. And Candace wouldn't hear about me paying rent, so I wouldn't need more than to cover my bills.

Actually, when Candace stepped away to go to the bathroom, Sam said that he really hoped I would take them up on their offers. At least Candace's. He said she's been getting worse lately and that he can't be here all the time. If I could move in with her, he'd be able to trust that someone was looking out for her when he couldn't be there. I asked what he meant by her getting worse. He said it was hard to explain, but I'd understand after spending some time here.

He said he didn't want me being any sort of live in maid, just that Candace needed help with things and if I were here he could trust she'd be fine. And he offered me to consider it my real job, he could pay me so that I wouldn't need to worry about finding another job and with me not paying rent I'd be better off altogether.

I thanked them both for their offers and told them I'd think about it. And while Sam was giving me a ride home, he didn't pressure me, he just thanked me as always.

I'm not sure I like him making these arrangements behind Candace's back, not without any good explanation of why. I also know that I've been feeling like I need to watch out for her from him for a long time. I've got so many questions about these two, including how he has the money to make this kind of offer. I'm a little worried about what I might be getting myself into, but this would be an opportunity for me to answer some of those questions. And I don't exactly have anything else going at the moment. I'll sleep on it tonight, and talk with them again tomorrow.

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