Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4th, 2017

I should have texted Mom, and I didn't. That's my fault, and I understand. I always get home around a certain time, and when I'm not they start to worry. On Saturdays it's different, but they also know before hand that I'll be out with Hal for dinner. But Hal was being spontaneous and charming, and I just didn't think to text Mom and let her know I'd be out late.

I apologized, and I am sorry.

Hal invited me over to his place, he wanted to cook dinner for me for a change. And he's been here a few times now, but I've never been to his place. He's staying in off campus apartments with some roommates who were kind enough to give us some space. I kinda felt like we were intruding, but I guess that's the way it goes with roommates.

Hal admitted he wasn't the greatest cook, but he knows how to spice up some ramen noodles pretty well. I'll admit, it's not as thrilling as it might be, but I also know how it is to be living on very little. Makes me a bit self conscious about us going out to eat every week. We do go dutch, so he's not paying for me. And like he said, he's not much of a cook. I wish he'd have planned with me ahead of time, we could have made dinner together. I did suggest it though, gently, I didn't want him thinking I was being insulting. I tried to make it sound like it'd be a fun thing we could do together. Which it would, so it's not like I'm lying. Oh God, I'm over-analyzing aren't I? Moving on!

Work was good, it was about as busy as a Monday normally is. It seemed like everyone that came in wanted to see Nephmesu, and if they didn't ask to find out, they complained afterward. It's not like we don't have it posted everywhere that his exhibit will be complete and open on Friday.

Hal joined me for lunch while I was confirming plans with Sam. He's got us tickets for the twenty eighth, which will give us that Wednesday to pack and get ready to go. He did also confirm his parents SUV, but he said he needs to get the oil changed and have some winter tires put on. With that, it sounds like we've got ourselves a little vacation planned. With Hal there to find out as I did, all I had left was to let Max know.

Tomorrow will be my Friday at work. Nephmesu will arrive on Wednesday while I'm off, and they'll be setting that all up so they can do the soft opening on Thursday. So when I come back on Friday for my week, it'll be the complete grand opening. I'm excited, but also kind of dreading it.

I can't say Candace has never been here, but I can say she won't remember if she had. I wonder if she'd like to see the new exhibit with me some time. It'd be nice to show her around and to be here as a guest for a change. Maybe not this week, too busy. But next week? I'll have to remember to ask on Thursday.

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