Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8th, 2017

Hal kissed me today.

It was really just a quick peck on the cheek, but... he kissed me today.

We've been spending a lot of time together, and having a lot of fun. But we haven't been exploring that side of the relationship. I think we've both been a bit scared of it, worried how it might change things. At least, I have. I don't know about Hal, so I can't speak for him. It was just such a spur of the moment thing, almost thoughtless. Maybe that's why he did it, not thinking, just acting. It's definitely a good thing, and if it was so thoughtless it shows a comfort he feels towards me. That's a good thing, right?

I suppose context helps.

Today was crazy busy. Of course it was the Grand Opening of the full Egypt exhibit, complete with Nephmesu. The staff had had a chance to go through it yesterday after the soft opening with the museum donors. Sadly I missed that, I had thought they might allow us to go through this morning before opening the doors. But there was a line of people outside that looked like it might go all the way around the park. So we had to be ready with everything, all the way down to extra ticket paper and ink pads.

I don't think I've taken so many guests is such a short time. It didn't end either, the managers started realizing that they wouldn't be able to spare any of us for lunch, so they had to step in and let us out one by one.

It meant that a few of us got lunch early, but most of us got lunch late. Including me. And Hal was super busy as well, I think he had aimed his lunch for when I normally go. It meant that when I sat down for lunch, it was alone. Well, almost, the cafeteria was so full I had to ask a family if I could sit with them. A couple and their kid, who was just so cute. He left to use the bathroom with his dad for a bit there, which gave me a chance to talk to the mother. She was thrilled to be there, very excited to see the Mummy. She had wanted to go the last time we'd had Tutankhamen but got sick and missed it. So this was a treat for her as much as anything.

Anyway, when the father and son came back, the father had wrapped his kid up in toilet paper so the kid could be a mummy, just like "Neff Me Soup." He was adorable.

So while I was enjoying lunch, Hal showed up quickly and bent over my shoulder to say sorry that he'd missed me. He was super busy and wouldn't be able to stay, but he was hoping we could met up after work. I accepted, and then he gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving.

After work we made our way to Annie's just to be able to sit and talk. Hal was looking forward to the The Last Jedi since it'll be released next week and was wondering if I wanted to see it. Stupid question, of course I do! His thought was to go on Saturday when normally we'd have dinner, like we had last time. Which is fine by me, but I reminded him that Max was probably looking forward to our usual dinner conversation. He was happy to extend an invite for her to join us, even with my offered "are you sure?"  So we'll talk to her tomorrow when we do get together.

The awkward silence crept up on us though, and I think we were both thinking the same thing. Hal finally asked if he'd made things weird. I said no, it was just unexpected. He wanted to make sure I was okay with it, which I was, I am. So he asks if it'd be okay if he did it again? I said not without a proper kiss to establish that we are now kissing. He responded saying he'll try to surprise me at the appropriate time. And I thanked him.

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