Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 7th, 2017

I think all in all, I'd have to say today was successful. Especially since I didn't get anywhere near as much blow back from Sam as I thought I might.

This morning as I was getting around, I got to thinking about how Candace is stuck at home. I knew I wanted to invite her to go to the museum with me, but I kinda felt she needed more freedom to be about to get around when she wants. With my dizzy spells, I can easily get into the position she's in, not being able to go anywhere. I can't drive, and not having people around who know me can make it even more stressful when I have a dizzy spell. Public transportation is something of a life saver for me. The trick is for me to get to know the drivers and people around me, especially on routs that I take often. I'm not an outgoing person, and so that last bit is the hardest part for me. But I've learned a lot putting myself out there, and I've met some neat and kind people. Some of them I see often, and I can trust that if I have a dizzy spell I'll be fine with them around.

So when Sam called this morning to apologize that he was running late, I told him I'd just hop on the bus and not to worry about it. It sounded like he was feeling bad about that, and I practically had to remind him that this is how I normally get around. But it did set in my mind that I needed to get Candace to know how to do this.

Before I set out, I called Candace to let her know what was going on. Sam must have just called her as well, 'cause she said she'd just got off the phone with him saying the same thing. She seems to really have taken to the phone, she doesn't hesitate like she used to and sounds more natural answering. The other nice thing about public transportation is that it gives me time to think, and on my way to her place I was thinking it was time to reintroduce her to cell phones.

When I got to her place, she had her hot chocolate waiting for me as she had last time. Her coco is the perfect thing on a cold winter day. While I sipped the coco and warmed up, I bounced my thoughts off her. Candace was hesitant, and I won't say it didn't frustrate me but it is still her decision and I have to respect that. But mostly it sounded like she just wanted Sam's permission, as much as anything so that he knew what was going on. I can understand that, so I didn't try to fight it or be subversive about it. Instead I used it as a learning chance and offered her to use my cell to call Sam.

I think Candace appreciated that, and it showed when we finally called Sam. Knowing that we'd be taking his time, I texted him first to say we wanted to talk and that when he has a moment he should text us and let us know. He immediately responded by asking if everything was okay, so I let him know that I was showing Candace how to use my cell and that we didn't want to bother him if he was still busy. He thanked me and asked me to give him a bit, and after a moment he texted back saying he was good.

It took Candace a few tries, but she finally got him dialed and called. Sam answered and then waited patiently while I showed Candace how to put him on speaker. I made sure to apologize for how long this was all taking. Sam said he had just finished with his client and would only now have been able to come get me anyway, so he had time now. I let Candace ask, and she explained that I was offering to take her to the gym and then to go get her a cell of her own. Sam said he could come pick us up, but he'd only have time to go shopping for a phone. Candace explained that she wanted to learn how to use public transportation like I do, and that she wanted to go to the gym.

And this was where I was expecting Sam to blow up at us. To be honest, he did resist, and I think he was trying very carefully to response thoughtfully. It was nice to see him try, and I appreciated that even as I didn't appreciate him shooting us down. What I wasn't expecting was for Candace to put her foot down. I figured once he said no, she'd accept it without argument. Candace countered him saying she'd be with me, and with my phone we could call him if needed. In no uncertain terms, she said "I want to do this." If I thought Sam was going to blow up before, you can imagine what I thought he'd do now. But no, he actually paused, and I don't think he was happy about it, but he relented. He didn't push the issue, and my jaw just about hit the floor.

He said, "Okay," and then asked what our plans were, where we'd go first. I said we'd probably hit the gym first just to get out and get our blood flowing. And then make our way to the mall where we could shop around for a cell phone. He said alright, and that he'd meet us at the gym so he could give us his card so we could buy a phone and to pay for any expenses along the way. The interesting thing was, he said he'd gone and put Candace's name on his credit account. That way she could use his card to pay for things and her signature would be accepted. He told us to be careful, and to avoid down town. He didn't say it, but obviously he was still adamant that Candace should go nowhere near the tree. I wasn't planning that at all anyway, so it was good he didn't say it out right. With that understanding, he told us to take care and asked us to think about what we wanted for dinner and to let him know.

After we hung up, both Candace and I looked at each other for a moment. I think we were both wondering if we were dreaming or something. Finally she smiled that mischievous smile of her's and we both cheered. I congratulated her on standing up to him, and made sure to recognize that I knew she felt protected by him. She thanked me and then we set about getting ready to leave.

We had gone shopping for her back in late summer. It hadn't really started to get cold yet so we hadn't thought about getting her winter clothing. She had practical clothing, she just didn't have a coat or anything like that. So we raided Eli's stuff and found something that'd work. It was still much too large, but it didn't look bad on her. Just made her look a little homeless. Knowing that we'd be going tubing in a few weeks though, this was a good chance to get her some winter clothing. So it worked out.

On the way to the gym I explained how I visited there regularly. It gave me a safe place to go where the staff knew me in case I had any dizzy spells. That during the summer, when Max was free we'd go to the park and jog every so often. The gym was still a good place to go, not just for the track, but to get in some weight lifting every now and then. I did make sure to text Sam to let him know which gym, where it was, and then again to let him know we were getting close. I was able to get Candace in on a visitor pass, so we didn't need his card then. And when Sam did show up, Candace happily greeted him and thanked him. Sam for his part didn't show any resentment or displeasure, in fact he made sure to be supportive and thanked me for helping Candace.

By this point I had already been texting Hal, and he had suggested that we meet up after he gets out of work and we could go to dinner. So while Sam was there I mentioned that, saying he and Hal could meet us and we could all get dinner. Then afterward he could take Candace home and I'd go with Hal. Sam said it sounded good, so after he left I hashed out details between him and Hal through texts.

Candace really seemed to like the gym, and with as cooped up as she'd been she seemed to need the exercise. She's fast, and she's got some stamina. I was winded after my normal laps, she could just keep going. Of course, being a professional dancer, she should be. After the track we did some lifting. She lifted as much as I do. We didn't push to see how much she could lift, but she was happy with what she did. As we were cleaning up I wondered aloud how much Sam could lift. She joked that as big as he was, he could probably pick up the bus we'd rode down here.

While we were there, we did get her some work out clothes, and a bag. Since she was only visiting and we weren't going straight home, we put her stuff in my locker and would decide what to do with it later. Though it sounds like she might start joining me, in which case we'll need to get her her own locker.

After that we went to the mall. We needed to get her some winter clothes as mentioned, and a proper coat. We even found a few things for me, which she insisted that she pay for. I figured I'd just talk to Sam and pay him back later. That took longer than expected, and Hal was joining us before we even got Candace a cell. It was a good thing though, while he took our bags back to his jeep we got Candace a phone.

Candace was very excited about her new phone, and she wanted one just like mine. Given her difficulties with technology, it's way more than she needs. But with time we might be able to teach her how to use some of the other features. For now, I made sure to program in my number and Sams, my parents just in case, and then Max and Hal's since she knows them. I had her program in a few of the numbers so she'd know how, and then recommended that she get her in-laws numbers on her own. She didn't want to, and I understand, but I told her that firstly it'd be good practice for anyone whose number she might want in the future. But secondly, and more importantly, even if they don't want to talk, this way they can and that's always important. Thirdly though, especially if they are being abusive, having their number means you can block it. That point she liked.

Sam meet us at the restaurant as we were finishing up getting numbers in the phone, and that gave Candace someone to show off to. We had a great time, Hal told us about everything going on with Nephmesu and getting him settled permanently. That actually reminded me to ask Candace if she wanted to see the new exhibit with me next week, which she was thrilled to do. Sam asked if he could come too, a little too bashfully than he needed to I think. We assured him he'd be more than welcome, though I did make sure to mention that I wanted Candace to get more familiar with public transportation. So next week Sam will meet us at the Museum, we'll go later in the day so that we can meet up with Hal as he's getting off work. And then after that we can get something to eat again. Sam is insisting on cooking next week. I do think he enjoys that.

Like I said, it was a successful day. Before we split up from the restaurant, Sam made sure to take me aside. He seemed like there was a lot he wanted to say, and it made me a little nervous to be honest. I don't know if he decided not to say, or if he couldn't find the words. Either way, he finally simply thanked me. I took the chance then to explain that Candace had insisted on paying for the things we bought me, and promised to pay Sam back. Sam shook his head and asked me to let him pay, that it was the least he could do. After the hard time I'd given him over our tickets and everything for the vacation, I still feel uncomfortable letting him spend that much money on me. But I know he does want to do something nice, and apparently he can afford it. So this time I relented and thanked him.

As always though, the weekend comes to an end and work starts anew. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Hal said everything with the exhibit is in order, so I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried about is the mass of people who are going to be there for the grand opening. I'm sure most will be good and patient, but all it takes is one who lets their impatience run away with them and it'll ruin the rest of the day. With that many people, there'll be someone who can't handle themselves.

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