Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6th, 2017

It's strange, today was the first day in a long while I've felt like nothing was happening. I spent the day doing chores, so it's not like I had nothing to do. It's more like, everything with the tree, and at work getting ready for Nephmesu, there's just been so much going on in the world around me. But today, at least for me, it was just a nice calm day.

That said, Nephmesu was supposed to arrive today. But since it was my day off, that really didn't affect me. If I were at work, I'm sure I'd have been stressed and sick. If stress were a trigger for my attacks, I'd probably have had one today. As for the tree, the standoff continues. It's an unease peace, but peace nonetheless.

I actually spent some time doing some searches on Melia to see if there'd been any more news about her or her attempts to save the tree. There's been some more video's of her meeting with various people. I get the feeling she's acting more like a politician than anything else, but maybe that's what she needs to do. She is trying to influence public opinion and policy, so maybe that'st he route she needs to take. Her own site goes into more detail about either creating a roundabout around the tree, or to extend the park to include the tree and move the intersection all together. Even the site admits that the later option is unlikely. They seem like reasonable options, I don't know why people are so adamant to kill the tree. They don't just want it moved even though the city did entertain that option, they want it destroyed.

I did go looking into the progress at DIA, out of curiosity about what had happened there. Progress reports seem uneventful, things are generally in order and on time. I was just hoping that there might be more investigation into what had happened in the first place. But it seems now that there's an explanation, even if it doesn't actually fit the video's that we had seen, people are happy to accept it. I'm going to have to ask Hal if The Illuminati has said anything more about it to him. It's a long shot, Tim doesn't seem to tell Hal anything unless he's complaining about what's going on. The rest of the time it's all study this, and read that, and research Melia.

Speaking of which, maybe I can use Hal's assignment to my advantage and we could go visit the gardens sometime. I usually go during the summer, but I hear that visiting in the winter can be pretty spectacular too. I'm kinda curious myself about Melia, but I'm also remembering what I had seen the last time I was there. I know we've got the tubing trip coming up, so I might have to hold off on visiting the gardens till next month. I'll have to suggest that to Hal next time we get together. That may be too late for Tim's liking though. I don't know, but I can ask.

Speaking of Hal. I was hoping that after he got off work, he'd be able to catch up with me and we could do something and I could get a ride home from him. Forgot he had class after work today... So I was out later than usual and wasn't able to catch my usual bus home.

That said, when I did finally get home, Dad was watching the news as usual. There was an interesting story about a Kids MMA event going on this weekend. I know they've got a lot of kids martial arts groups and the like, but mixed martial arts? How does that work? I would've thought it'd take years to master one martial art much less multiple. That doesn't strike me as something kids would have had the time to do. It does look like it'd be fun though. I had always wanted to try martial arts and at least learn some self defense.

Now that I'm thinking about it though, I think the gym offers self defense classes. Good for a workout as well. I'll have to look into when they offer classes next time I'm down there. Won't be tomorrow though, I get to check in on Candace then. Maybe I could mention it to her, it'd be another good excuse to get out. Especially now with Winter on, she doesn't even have her garden to work in. I wonder how Sam would react to that idea?

I guess tomorrow we find out.

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