Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 9th, 2017

Today started out with a dizzy spell while I was waiting at the bus stop. Fortunately I could sit down and hold on and no one would notice. It didn't last very long, to be honest it's the most normal attack I think I've had since August. Not they're ever normal, but especially with that last one being so bad, it was nice to just be dizzy for a moment and be done with it.

It wasn't as busy at work as it was yesterday, but one could hardly tell. People are excited about the new exhibit, and that's great. Makes me sad that I missed it on Thursday when they walked the employee's through. Makes me look forward to seeing it next Thursday with Candace that much more.

Speaking of Candace, she's been trying out texting. I can't tell though if she's already picked up the internet lingo that quickly, or if she's just a really bad speller. I can make a guess, considering her seeming inability to use technology, but I don't want to be unfair to her. She does want to get out again and has asked to go back to the gym. But she's still a little nervous about using Public Transportation and wants me to be there with her. Which is fine, take her a few more times to get comfortable with it, and then I'll start to insist that she meet me at the gym.

Anyway, after work I met up with Hal and while he drove I made contact with Max so we could make it all to the same restaurant. Max was hoping for pizza, so we hit up Hops & Pie. Hal was more interested in trying some of their beers, but Max and I found some of their offered toppings to be a source of curiosity. Mashed potatoes on pizza? We ended up trying and it was actually pretty good.

First order of business though was to compare notes. Unfortunately since both Max and Hal were working on final projects and studying for finals, they hadn't had time to really pay attention to anything else. Even The Illuminati was giving Hal space to study, but then his schooling was now kinda his job. That left me to fill them in on what I'd found, which wasn't much. I told about the research I'd done on Melia the other day, and about looking into DIA. Hal said Tim was so concerned with the tree that he wasn't sure Tim even remembered the airport.

With so little else to mention, I just moved on to asking Max if she wanted to see Star Wars next week. She was thrilled, even said she'd met a cute guy recently and it'd be perfect to do a double date. That made Hal and I feel better. I at least know what it's like to be the fifth wheel, so I was worried Max wouldn't want to come.

So conversation devolved into talking about Max's new friend, and taking Candace to the gym the other day. Both Max and Hal had to laugh at Candace's crack about Sam lifting a bus, but we all had to agree, he just about looks like he could. I also mentioned bringing Candace to see the new exhibit on Thursday and asked if Max had some free time during the day to join us. She was certainly interested, but she wasn't sure she could swing it. Hal will be there, but he'll also be working. I was hoping if we went mid day Hal might be able to swing lunch with us and Max'd have a lunch break she could use. Hal we can catch, but probably not Max, not with finals going on.

Max had to cut things short, said something about trying to get some studying in with her new friend. With her taking off, it gave Hal and I a chance to chat. So I asked him about seeing the Botanic Gardens sometime in the next month or so. It didn't take much convincing, he's never been anyway, but I did remind him that Melia worked there. Maybe we can bump into her.

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